1007 Galaxy Picture!

This space was distorted, and stars descended one after another, directly suppressing Yang Tianlang.

"Galaxy Picture!!!"

Looking at the Galaxy diagram appearing in the void, Yang Tianlang's expression changed again.

His eyes narrowed, sparkling with light, and he waved the Galaxy diagram directly in front of him.

Bang bang bang!!!

This Galaxy picture directly collides with the stars in the sky.

There were bursts of thunderous explosions.

A huge amount of energy swept out, covering the entire cave.

Yang Tianlang's body was directly blown away and hit the wall heavily.


Yang Tianlang spurted out a mouthful of blood, his expression extremely ugly.

"Sooner or later, I will step into the Galaxy official position one day and seize the position of Galaxy's purpose!!!"

Yang Tianlang roared with a ferocious expression.

"Do you think you can survive until that day?"

A crisp sound sounded in the cave.

Then Xiao Yifeng led Lin Shiya out of the darkness.


Watching Xiao Yifeng appear.

Yang Tianlang's expression changed, and he stared at Xiao Yifeng with a cold light in his eyes.

"Boy, it's you!!!"

Then Yang Tianlang noticed Lin Shiya beside him, his expression was stunned, his eyes flickered, and he shouted suddenly.

"It seems you know me."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Tianlang and sneered.

"I don't just know you."

"I know the maid behind you better."

Yang Tianlang looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"Oh, she is my concubine."

"We have been in love for many years, and today she is the one I am marrying."

"She is now your Young Madam of the Yang family in name only. When you see her in the future, you'd better be polite."

Xiao Yifeng said with an indifferent expression.

"Hmph, you are worthy of being her husband, that's ridiculous!!!"

Yang Tianlang said coldly with contempt on his face.

"Yang Tianlang, you..."

Hearing Yang Tianlang's words.

Lin Shiya's expression changed, and she glared at Yang Tianlang angrily.

"Boy, since you came to my door today.

"It just so happens that I want to take revenge. Please help me get this cheap servant's life."

Yang Tianlang stared at Xiao Yifeng and Lin Shiya with cold eyes.


The next second, Yang Tianlang struck Lin Shiya with a palm strike.

He activated his secret technique and unleashed his strongest attack to completely destroy Lin Shiya.

At this moment, Yang Tianlang unleashed all his strength as the pinnacle Saint Realm half-step martial artist.

His strength is no worse than that of Yang Hai.

Even more terrifying than Yang Hai.

After all, Yang Hai is only an Eighth Grade Supreme and cannot mobilize the power of the elements of heaven and earth.

Relying solely on physical combat power is far from reaching the level of a half-step Martial Saint.

But this Yang Tianlang is a genuine half-step Martial Saint strongman, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

His strength is comparable to that of a quasi-sage.

At this time, Lin Shiya jumped back and avoided Yang Tianlang's sharp and terrifying blow.

Boom boom boom!!!

Yang Tianlang took action again.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng (Zhao Zhao Zhao) took a step forward and punched out.

The two attacks collided together, causing a deafening roar and explosion.

Ripples of monstrous energy spread.

Deng Deng stare!!!

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng took several steps back.

Yang Tianlang was so shocked that he stepped back.

His face was pale.

The energy and blood in his body were churning, and his internal organs were traumatized.

Yang Tianlang spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"You actually have such strength?"

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