1011 Magic Girl

At this time, a black shadow suddenly came.

This figure is none other than Mo Ji.

"The master asked me to come and inform you to return to Celestial Wonders Realm as soon as possible.

Mo Ji looked at Li Bai and said.

"I'll go back right away!!!"

Li Bai nodded.


Then Li Bai rose into the sky and disappeared into a stream of light.

In the blink of an eye, one month later.

Somewhere in Dongzhou,

The void twisted, and a figure emerged.

It was Li Bai.

At this time, Li Bai was exuding a terrifying sword intent, and a terrifying wave of pressure erupted from his body.

His realm has reached the realm of the Eighth Grade Emperor.

During this period, Li Bai's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

And he himself is an Apex Level monster sword wizard.

In addition, Xiao Yifeng provided enough spiritual crystals and martial arts skills, allowing Li Bai to quickly improve his strength.

Therefore, in just one month, he stepped from the Seventh Grade Saint to the Ninth Grade Emperor.

His combat power is even comparable to that of a strong man in the early stages of the Half-Step Reincarnation Realm.

Then Li Bai's figure swayed.

Arriving at the top of a mountain peak in an instant.

This mountain peak is Xingchen Pavilion.

Swish swish!!!

At this time, several elders in Xingchen Pavilion appeared one after another.

The leader was a middle-aged woman wearing black clothes and a cold face.

"See the Hall Master!!!"

The group of elders looked at the middle-aged woman and shouted directly.

This middle-aged woman is the fifth hall master of Xingchen Pavilion, and her strength is unfathomable.

His status in the entire Star Pavilion is second only to the chief pavilion master and the three guardians.

"You guys go and summon the sect master back.

"I have something to report!!!"

The Fifth Hall Master of Xingchen Pavilion looked at these elders and said directly.

Soon a group of elders went directly to the Star Pavilion headquarters.

"See the Pavilion Master!!!"

When these elders came outside a palace, they all bowed and shouted.


At this time, the door of this palace room suddenly opened.

A noble woman wearing white clothes came out.

This woman is Bai Yushuang, the current master of Xingchen Pavilion.

"What do you guys want with me?"

Bai Yushuang said with a cold expression.

"Reporting to the Pavilion Master, it's time for Xingchen Pavilion to recruit new disciples."

"Now there is a person in the Star Pavilion who has a supreme sword body."

“I think he is suitable to become a disciple of our Xingchen Pavilion.

The elders immediately spoke.

"Sword body?"

"How are you sure he has a sword body?"

Bai Yushuang said coldly.

"This was brought back by Yang Tianxiao from the Yang family, and his identity information has been verified."

An elder directly took out the information given by Yang Tianxiao and handed it to Bai Yushuang.

Bai Yushuang glanced at this information.

After she read the information.

His pupils 433 condensed, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"He really is the body of the sword!!!"

Bai Yushuang murmured to herself.

"Do you think he can become a disciple of my Star Pavilion?"

Bai Yushuang said directly.

"With the talent he has shown now, there will definitely be no problem."

"But he still has one step left before he can become my Xingchen Pavilion disciple."

“You need to pass the assessment!!!”

Another elder spoke.

"Where is he? Take me to meet him.

Bai Yushuang shouted directly.

"Pavilion Master, please come with me."

The elder led Bai Yushuang to a secret room.

Xiao Yifeng was lying on the bed with her eyes closed Nurturing Spirit. .

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