1014 Starry Sky Great Emperor

"What's more, even if I successfully step into Martial Dao."

"If you want to reach the top of the starry sky and reach the level of the Great Emperor of the starry sky, how easy is it?"

Yang Tianxiao looked at the commander and said in a deep voice.

"What do you know?"

"If it weren't for your special bloodline."

"With your current strength, you would have been killed a long time ago, how could you survive until now.

"You don't need to worry about your own strength now."

"You just need to work hard to improve your realm and strength.

"In the future, you will reach the pinnacle of Martial Dao and become the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky - just around the corner."

Bai Yushuang shouted solemnly.

"I see."

Yang Tianxiao nodded.

Then Bai Yushuang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said:

"Your current strength is too weak, and you are not suitable for going to Star Domain to experience and explore."

"I will arrange for some strong men to teach you."

"I hope you can cherish this rare opportunity to experience."

"I will not let you down."

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly.

"You can go to the Star Pavilion headquarters now."

Bai Yushuang said.

"No hurry, I still need to find a friend."

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.


While Xiao Yifeng was chatting with the person from Xingchen Pavilion.

Suddenly the square shook violently.

The entire void exploded.

A huge burst of energy seemed to destroy the Star Pavilion.

"Who dares to act wild in Xingchen Pavilion?"

"Don't you know that fighting is prohibited in Xingchen Pavilion?"

"Get out and die right now."

Immediately, the group of guards rushed out in unison.

They looked at the area.

His expression changed, and he let out a cold and angry shout.

A group of guards gathered here, alert to the surroundings.


In an instant, thunder erupted from the sky, the void exploded, and endless dark clouds gathered.

A terrifying force of starry sky suppressed and enveloped the guards.


In an instant, the guards were blown away and blood spurted out.

This scene made Xiao Yifeng and others look condensed.

A series of harsh roars came out.

A huge star hovers in the center of this area.

The dazzling light was released and illuminated the entire world.

Beyond this star,

0…………Please give me flowers…0

Three hundred and eight starry battleships appeared here, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

They are all formed from beings beyond Saint Level battleships.

“Xingchen Pavilion actually dispatched so many starry sky battleships.

"It seems that Xingchen Pavilion is really preparing to do something big this time."

Xiao Yifeng stared at the group of battleships with a strange light in his eyes.


The next second, inside this huge star.

A tall man wearing a golden gown and carrying a long sword stepped out.

This man's strength has already entered the Fifth Grade Emperor King Realm.

"Meet the Stars Great Emperor!!!"

At this moment, everyone in Xingchen Pavilion, including the master of Xingchen Pavilion, all shouted respectfully towards the man kneeling on the ground.

He is none other than the Great Emperor of the Stars.

"Meet the Stars Great Emperor!!!"

Then Yang Tianxiao also shouted respectfully to the star Great Emperor.

As for Xiao Yifeng, he did not kneel down and salute Xingchen Great Emperor.

After all, his relationship with the Great Emperor of Stars was not close.

And there was no need for him to kowtow to a dead man.

"Yang Tianxiao!!!"

At this time, the Xingchen Great Emperor noticed Bai Yushuang and shouted fiercely. .

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