1022 Star Hall

"This is very close to your Star Palace."

"I left many treasures in the Galaxy tomb."

"Take those things out of the Galaxy world and find a place to bury them.

"If you encounter any trouble in the future, come here with this jade talisman and seek help."

Long Qian said softly.

"Old guy, you are quite willing."

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"If you can help me solve the problem of my brothers.

"Of course I won't be stingy with that."

"Don't worry, I will do it."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Okay, I'll fall asleep first.

"Hurry up and find your mother, wife and children and leave this starry sky world."

"Otherwise, my body will really not be preserved by then!!!"

After Long Qian finished speaking, there was no movement.


"You are all going to die!!!"

Xiao Yifeng roared with a ferocious expression.


Then the void exploded.

Xiao Yifeng sat cross-legged on the spot and began to comprehend the past events that the Star Great Emperor had just mentioned.

"I didn't expect that the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky would have such a story.

"The strength of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky is indeed more terrifying than I imagined!!!"

"He is worthy of being the first person in the starry sky."

Xiao Yifeng sighed, with many emotions in his heart.

The Great Emperor of the Starry Sky and the Great Emperor of the Stars are brothers.

The relationship between the Great Emperor of the Stars and the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky is more like that between a senior brother and a master.

This star, the Great Emperor, was born in a secret place.

His master is a Transcendent Level expert from a certain Star Domain in the starry sky.

Later, his master died, leaving only the Great Emperor in the stars.

Later, the Star Great Emperor broke through to the Great Emperor level and traveled around the universe.

During this period, he encountered the Great Emperor of Stars, and the two sides had conflicts.

Later, the Great Emperor of Stars wanted to kill the Great Emperor of Starry Sky.

As a result, he was defeated by the opponent and almost died.

However, the Great Emperor of the Stars finally tried his best to lay out a plan to kill the stars, severely damaging the Great Emperor of the Stars and sealing him in the Galaxy.

The Great Emperor of the Stars originally intended to use this to destroy the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky.

But he didn't expect that the blood power of the Great Emperor in the starry sky was so terrifying.

The star killing tactics arranged by the Great Emperor of the Stars were all destroyed by the blood power of the Great Emperor of the Stars.

At the same time, the Nascent Soul of the Star Great Emperor took the opportunity to devour its Nascent Soul.

In the end, the Nascent Soul of the Star Great Emperor was completely wiped out.

The remaining thoughts of his will also dissipated.

The Martial Dao essence he left before was inspired by Xiao Yifeng.

The remnants of his will that eventually turned into stars, the Great Emperor, appeared here, wanting to be reborn with the help of Xiao Yifeng's body.

As a result, he obviously underestimated Xiao Yifeng's potential.

In the end, he was unwilling to be lonely and chose the reincarnation of the Great Emperor in this star for resurrection.

It's a pity that this Star Great Emperor is not the Starry Sky Great Emperor himself, it can only be called a wisp of the residual soul consciousness of the Starry Sky Great Emperor.

"It seems that the relationship between the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky and the Great Emperor of the Stars (Wang Nuohao) is really subtle."

Xiao Yifeng smiled softly.

For some reason, Xiao Yifeng felt that the meeting between these two big guys was a bit bloody.

"Master, since the Great Emperor of this star wants to be reborn with the help of your body.

"You just agree to delete it."

"It just so happens that we can save a fortune again."

Xuanming Pearl Artifact Spirit said.

"Hmph, Great Emperor of Starry Sky, Great Emperor of Starry Sky, both of you are not good people!!!".

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