1027 activate the secret method

Starlight burst out all over the sky.


The Great Emperor of Stars roared angrily.

He directly activated the secret technique and integrated a star true fire into these four terrifying attack ranges.

Immediately, the power erupted from these four people exploded into pieces.

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Then four heart-rending screams of pain sounded.

These four people were directly burned to death by the true star fire, and their souls were scattered.


Watch this scene.

The ancestor of Tianxing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He did not expect that the former Emperor Monarch's strength would become so terrifying.

Even the peerless talent ranked in the top twenty on the Starry Sky List is also the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky.

He couldn't even block the opponent's blow and fell instantly.

“Great Emperor of Heavenly Star, we are supposed to have the same roots.

"Why do you need to kill them all?"

The Heavenly Star Ancestor looked at the stars and the Great Emperor sighed.

"You caused my parents' family to fall apart.

"For me to bear the name of a traitor, it almost caused me to fall into the abyss of Myriad Tribulations."

“How dare you talk to me about this now.

The Star Great Emperor looked solemnly and coldly at the Star Ancestor.

"Xingchen Great Emperor, it was me who destroyed your parents' family back then."

"But they deserve it."

"They colluded with Demon Race to harm the people of Star Domain, and their crimes were heinous.

"If I don't kill them, the star world will be destroyed sooner or later because of them."

"So it's not my fault!!!"

“I did this entirely to protect the star realm.

"If you are resentful, then kill me.

The ancestor of Tianxing said coldly.

"In that case, let me help you.

The Great Emperor of Stars shouted with a cold expression.

He activated the secret technique to directly burn the essence, blood and martial soul in his body.

His strength has completely skyrocketed, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

"Star Finger, pick the stars and destroy the moon!!!"

Star Great Emperor directly performed forbidden martial arts.

His hands were twisting the mysterious seal.

A terrifying star power was born.

There was a bang.

This star finger force blasted directly towards the ancestor of Tianxing.

In an instant, the ancestor of Tianxing was trembling, and he felt a sense of suffocating crisis.

"Boy, stop him quickly!!!"

The ancestor of Tianxing suddenly said to the man in black robe.

The black-robed man's eyes flickered and he waved his hand.

A Saint Weapon was taken out.

Boom boom boom!!!

Then bursts of roaring and explosions came out.

Two terrifying energies collided together.

It produces an aura that destroys heaven and earth.

The Great Emperor of Stars retreated continuously.

All his strength was consumed.

The man in black robe was pale and spitting blood from his mouth.

Obviously, although he is a Ninth Grade Great Emperor,

But just now, he desperately urged Saint Weapon to resist the strongest blow of the Star Great Emperor.

As a result, he suffered backlash and worsened his injuries.


At this time, another woman in white (Wang Wanghao) urged Saint Weapon.

She blasted towards the Great Emperor of Stars.

"Star Fist, nine stars in one!!!"

The Star Great Emperor shouted sharply, raised his arms, and displayed the Star Fist, one of the three top martial arts in the Star Palace.

His whole person's momentum increased crazily.

The nine stars in its body release bright and dazzling light.

He punched out.

The nine stars bloomed with terrifying star power, turning into star fists and blasting towards the woman. .

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