1030 Galaxy Universe

"Star Great Emperor, just wait, we will meet again soon."

At this time, an extremely cold voice spread throughout the Galaxy universe, echoing in the ears of all the major forces in the Martial Dao world.

In a blink of an eye, night falls.

Xiao Yifeng and Xingyue'er were sitting at a dining table eating.

And this restaurant is in the space of the Starry Sky Ancient Seal. This is a space inside the Starry Sky Ancient Seal.

"Master Xiao, thank you "San Wu Qi" for saving me!!!"

Xingyue'er looked at Xiao Yifeng with a glass of wine and said gratefully.

"It's just a matter of effort."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Where is my father?"

Xingyue'er put down the wine glass and said doubtfully.

"Your father was being hunted, he should be fine.

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It couldn't be someone from the Star Sect who did it."

“After all, they were the ones who caused my father’s death in the first place.

Xingyue'er frowned and said coldly.

"Don't worry, with your father's strength, whoever can't kill him must be someone from the Star Palace or other forces."

Xiao Yifeng said calmly.

Then he and Xingyue'er continued chatting.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Yifeng and Xingyue Xin exchanged identities.

The two of them were sitting together eating and chatting like a couple in love.

This meal lasted for more than an hour.

Then the star Great Emperor suddenly came here.

He glanced at Xiao Yifeng, then looked at Xingyue'er and said: "Yue'er, come with me.

"Where to go?"

Xingyue'er asked.

"Go to the Star Palace, I will take you back to the Star Palace.

"From now on, you will become the Saintess of the Star Palace, commanding the entire Star Palace, because you will not be in the Chen domain.

Star Great Emperor said in a deep voice.


Xingyue'er said unhappily.

“Because this is something that every Saintess in the Star Palace must complete.

Stars The Great Emperor looks enigmatic.

"I refuse. I never want to return to the Star Palace."

Xingyue'er said directly.


Hear Xingyue'er's words.

The expression of the Xingchen Great Emperor changed, and his eyes stared at Xingyue'er with cold murderous intent.

"What? You still want to kill me?"

Xingyue'er looked at the Great Emperor of Stars with an indifferent expression.

Her eyes looked at the stars Great Emperor without fear.

A terrifying star fire burst out from his body, swept across, and enveloped the space here...

Suddenly the whole room was filled with hot flames.

This fire burns everything.

The houses in this inn are made of special materials.

But the flames destroyed the room.

"Hmph, your little flame can't do anything to me."

Xingchen Great Emperor looked at Xingyue'er and said coldly.

"If you dare to touch her, I will kill everyone in the Star Palace."

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded.

I saw a beautiful figure coming from the void and floating in the void.

This figure is Xiao Yifeng.


Seeing Xiao Yifeng appear, the Star Palace Great Emperor quickly shouted respectfully.

"It's you?"

2.6 At this moment, the Star Great Emperor glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

He didn't expect this young man to appear here.

"Star Great Emperor, long time no see."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the stars and the Great Emperor spoke softly.

"who are you?"

"There is no one like you in this area."

"Are you someone sent by some hidden force outside?"

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