1037 Starry Sky Ancient Road Map

This map of the ancient road in the starry sky is unfolded, with an ancient road in the starry sky drawn on it.

A vast ancient starry sky pressure was released.

"The star map is finally complete!!!"

The Star Great Emperor shouted excitedly, with a hot and greedy look in his eyes.

"You are so lucky!!!"

At this time, the palace spirit looked at the stars and the Great Emperor spoke softly.

"Dian Ling, how long have I spent in retreat this time?"

The Great Emperor of Stars spoke.

"A thousand years."

"I didn't expect that a million years would pass by in such a flash."

The palace spirit sighed softly.

"A thousand years?"

The Star Great Emperor looked surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that a thousand years have passed and things happening in the outside world have changed so fast."

"I had no time to stop this from happening."

The temple spirit shook his head and sighed.

"But I hope this incident won't involve me."

"After all, this time involves the powerful people on the Starry Sky List."

"If anything happens to me, this Star Palace will be completely removed from the universe soon~"

The Star Great Emperor sighed with emotion.

"Xingchen Great Emperor, don't worry, our young master is powerful enough to protect the safety of our Xingchen Palace."

"Besides, there are now dozens of Great Emperor-level formation restrictions set up in my palace."

"Whoever wants to destroy our Star Palace is not that simple."

The palace spirit said indifferently.

"Such a strong formation restriction!!!"

Stars The Great Emperor looked at the Star Palace and his pupils shrank.

There was a look of deep surprise in his eyes.

Obviously the other party is very generous.

"The Starry Sky Ancient Road is finally reopening!!!"

Star Great Emperor murmured to himself.

"When are you going to set foot on the ancient road in the starry sky?"

The temple spirit said.

"We will set off after I recover from my injuries."

Star Great Emperor said in a deep voice.


At this moment, a roar came from the void.

Then a warship shuttled through the void and stopped directly outside the Star Palace.

Immediately, the battleship hatch opened, and a group of figures walked out.

It was Xiao Yifeng, Kuang Long Supreme and others, they walked out directly.

"Where is the Star Great Emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng stood in the void and shouted coldly, with his hands behind his back.

His voice was like thunder, deafening.

This sound spread throughout the entire sea of ​​​​stars, spread throughout the entire sea of ​​​​stars.

Countless people heard this voice and their expressions changed.

Their eyes swept towards the Star Palace.

Then they glanced at Xiao Yifeng and his party.

Their eyes flickered, guessing where this awesome person came from and dared to challenge the Great Emperor of the Stars like this?

At this moment, the Star Great Emperor is in the hall of the Star Palace.

He had just taken the complete starry sky map, but someone broke in.

He frowned.

"court death!!!"

Looking at these unfamiliar faces, Xingchen Great Emperor shouted with a cold expression.


The Great Emperor of Stars uttered a word.

These twenty Great Emperor experts all shot out (Wang Li Zhao).

Terrifying weapons were unleashed.

The overwhelming attack power swept towards Xiao Yifeng.

Boom boom boom!!!

Facing the attacks of these twenty powerful Great Emperors.

Xiao Yifeng looked indifferent, with contempt in his eyes.

He activated his domineering body and activated the Star Soul Art, the secret skill of the Great Emperor in the starry sky.

The Ninth Grade Holy Fire and Nine Flames Burning Flame in Xiao Yifeng's body merged together again.

It turned into a huge nine-color vortex.

The vortex was spinning wildly. .

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