1051 Marriage Recruitment Conference

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Finally, Our Lady of Galaxy said: "Okay, you can participate in this marriage recruitment meeting if you want."

"But my sister doesn't like you. It's extremely difficult for you to get my sister's love.

"If you can't do it."

"I don't mind killing you with my own hands, do you understand?"

Galaxy Virgin's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent as she stared at Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, "Four Zero Seven", I won't die because of your words."

"I will also return it to you intact, you better be careful!!!"

Chu Feng looked at Our Lady of Galaxy and said coldly.

"You dare to threaten me?"

"What a courage!!!"

Hearing Chu Feng’s words.

Mother Galaxy's eyes flashed with deep anger.

She suddenly slapped Chu Feng with her palm.

“I don’t know what I can do!!!”

Watch as the Virgin of the Galaxy takes action.

Chu Feng said with a cold face, and his body disappeared directly.

The next second, Chu Feng's body appeared in front of the Galaxy Virgin.

He stretched out two fingers and clamped the wrist of the Galaxy Virgin.

At this moment, Mother Galaxy felt as if her wrist was clamped by pliers.

She couldn't break free at all.


Our Lady of Galaxy just finished speaking one word.

Chu Feng's other hand turned into a fist and hit the Galaxy Virgin's chest.


On the spot, the Galaxy Virgin spit out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards.

The energy and blood in her body was boiling, and she looked at Chu Feng with a shocked expression.

“I don’t like to say it a second time!!!”

"I said, you dare to attack me."

"I will make you live but not die!!!"

Chu Feng shouted word by word, his whole body filled with a fierce and domineering aura.

It was like the arrival of a peerless overlord.

People can’t help but surrender and worship!!!

The Virgin of the Galaxy stared at Chu Feng for a long time, and finally she sighed.

"That's it!!!"

Our Lady of Galaxy murmured to herself.

Then the Galaxy Mother took out a token and handed it to Chu Feng: "Take it."

"If you successfully pass this wedding ceremony, you can enter the Galaxy Secret Realm to participate in the training."

"You will naturally meet the person you want to see when the time comes!!!"

“Thank you!!!”

Chu Feng said while holding the token.

"I hope you can succeed..."

Our Lady of Galaxy took a deep breath and said, she turned and went back to the house.

"Sir, this Our Lady of Galaxy is from the Holy Mountain of Galaxy."

"If you treat her like this, I'm afraid she..."

At this time, the maid from the Galaxy Holy Palace looked at Chu Feng and said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, I have a sense of propriety!!!"

Chu Feng said indifferently and stepped directly into the room.

At the same time, somewhere in this palace.

In a magnificent palace, a clear and sweet voice sounded.

"I will definitely win this marriage recruitment meeting."

"Who's in the way, Holy!!!"

There was an extremely cold breath in this cold voice.

"Holy Lord, you must win."

"Galaxy Holy Mother 4.9 is a Rank Nine imperial medicine."

"Once you get her, your strength will be even higher.

An old woman standing behind this beautiful figure said in a deep voice.

"So what if the Virgin Mary of the Galaxy, I still get it!!!"

The beautiful figure shouted coldly and arrogantly.

Then she walked out.

"Galaxy Holy Mother, I must win this marriage recruitment competition."

"You will be my woman then.".

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