1056 turned into ashes


This thunder fell on Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng was knocked out on the spot, half-kneeling on the ground, coughing blood.

The skin all over his body was torn apart by the lightning.

The whole person looked miserable.

If it weren't for the Chaos Tyrant Body Art to protect his body, Xiao Yifeng would have turned into ashes by now.

Even so, his internal organs were severely damaged, and "990" bones were broken throughout his body.

If it weren't for the extremely powerful Chaos Body Technique, Xiao Yifeng would have been completely dead at this moment.


Empress Galaxy came directly to Xiao Yifeng, raised her foot and stepped on Xiao Yifeng's chest, saying coldly:

"Young people, it's better to keep a low profile, otherwise you won't know how you died.


At this time Galaxy Saintess shouted fiercely.

Her eyes were full of cold murderous intent as she stared at the Galaxy Empress, and an icy chill was released from her body.

Look at what Galaxy Saintess looks like.

Empress Galaxy frowned, her expression a little uncertain.

"Boy, wait until I get this Galaxy Saintess."

"I will make you live and die!"

Then Emperor Galaxy turned to look at Xiao Yifeng and left a harsh word.

She left directly.

"Thank you girl for saving me!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Galaxy Saintess and said gratefully.


"Nothing, I just hope you won't let me down.

Galaxy Saintess looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly, and his eyes glanced at the man in green robe.

"Xingyun, see the guests off!!!"

Galaxy Saintess shouted directly.

The green-robed man bowed and shouted.

He grabbed Xiao Yifeng's shoulder and led him away.

Soon Xiao Yifeng was taken back to the Star Palace by a master from the Star Palace.

"Master, how are you?"

Seeing Xiao Yifeng's injury so serious.

Xingluomon asked with a solemn expression.

"It's nothing serious!!!"

Xiao Yifeng shook his head after taking the healing elixir.

His injuries have stabilized.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Xingluomon said.

"Galaxy Saintess is the most beloved granddaughter of Queen Galaxy.

"And the other party is the granddaughter of the deputy master of the Star Hall."

"Since she agreed to marry me, she will definitely not regret it..."

"So what we have to do is to improve our strength as soon as possible and marry Galaxy Saintess when the time comes.

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

A picture emerged in his mind

"Miss, I think Xuanyuan Hong, the young master of the Xuanyuan Clan of the Ancient Clan, who ranks second among all the clans in the universe, is more suitable as the candidate for the Prince Consort of the Galaxy Empire.

"And it is said that he is extremely talented and has entered the Supreme Realm in less than a million years of practice."

"It is possible to break through the realm of emperors in the future, or even go further."

"Although he is not the only Martial Artist participating in the Star List this time."

"But he is the young master of the Xuanyuan lineage. His status is noble and his strength is beyond doubt."

"He is definitely more than good enough for a young lady!!!"

In this Galaxy mansion, the Galaxy Queen is sitting here, and sitting next to her is Galaxy Saintess 4.0.

At this moment her mother said to her.

"Star List, I have never heard of it.

"And what if Xuanyuan Hong is extremely talented?"

"Is he even better than Galaxy Emperor Monarch?"

Galaxy Saintess said with a gleam in her eyes and an indifferent expression.


Hear the words of Galaxy Saintess. .

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