1064 Star Moon City

There is a vast square in Star Moon City, which can accommodate tens of millions of people.

The square is divided into dozens of steps.

Divided into four groups: A, B, C and D.

Each group has twenty freshmen who pass the test before they can join Star Academy.

As for the strongest among these new students, they can become the official disciples of Star Academy.

If you can't even get a formal disciple qualification certificate.

That basically means there is no hope of becoming a disciple of Star Academy.

After all, Star Academy was jointly established by many imperial sects.

Its admissions rules are naturally not comparable to those of ordinary forces 353.

"It's so lively."

At this time Xiao Yifeng came over.

He came to the square and took a look.

"This freshman assessment can be said to be a gathering of elites, bringing together the best Martial Artists from all walks of life."

"If you want to join Star Academy, you naturally need to pass this assessment."

Xuanzang said lightly.

"Wouldn't this be more suitable for me?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"You kid still want to take part in the Star Academy freshman assessment?"

"Do you know how strict the assessment is?"

Xuanzang curled his lips (ahag).

“How strict can it be?”

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips and said.

"It is said that the assessment criteria for this year's Star Academy freshman admissions test are based on killing beasts that exceed the level of the Great Emperor.

"Every Martial Artist who takes part in the assessment must hunt down a beast that exceeds the level of the Great Emperor."

Xuanzang said in a deep voice.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Xiao Yifeng looked surprised.

"Galaxy Domain, Galaxy Empire, Galaxy Royal Family, Star Academy, and other alliances.

"They jointly manage the Star Territory, maintain the stability of the Star Territory, and protect the safety of the people in the Star Territory."

"Therefore, Star Academy will hold an entrance test for new students every five hundred thousand years to select outstanding talents."

"Any new student who meets the requirements can become a disciple of Star Academy and enjoy various benefits and training resources!!!"

Xuanzang said.

"So awesome?"

"I'm very interested in this Star Academy and want to go in and see it!!!"

Xiao Yifeng chuckled.

"What do you call this brother?"

At this time Xuan Zhang noticed Xiao Yifeng.

"Call me Xiaofeng, you're welcome."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you planning to take the Xingchen Academy freshman admissions test?"

Xuanzang asked.

"Yes, what about you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xuan Zhang and said.

“I plan to take the freshman test as well.

Xuanzang smiled.

Then the two of them left each other's contact information.

Xuanzang left here and continued to take the freshman entrance test.

Xiao Yifeng wandered around the city for a while.

He decided to familiarize himself with the Star Domain first, and then search for the whereabouts of the Star Sea.

Not long after, the admissions test for Star College finally started.

This time, the host of the Xingchen College freshman admissions test was the master of the Xingchen Pavilion.

And in this square.

Tens of thousands of young geniuses have gathered.

These people have just arrived in the Star Realm from all over the Star Boundary and are preparing to take the Star Academy freshman admissions test.

They all want to enter the star world through the Star Academy.

"Everyone, welcome to take the Star College freshman admissions test."

At this time, a man wearing a luxurious white robe, with extraordinary temperament and majestic equipment stood in the void, speaking with a solemn expression. .

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