1070 Star Terrace

He continued to walk towards the center of the star platform.

"you wanna die!!!"

At this moment, the two disciples on the Star List were looking at Xiao Yifeng.

They directly burst out with the terrifying power of the Saint to suppress them.

On the spot, a terrifying force of rules erupted around the star platform.

The two disciples on the Star List used the Mysteries of the Stars and punched towards Xiao Yifeng.

Bang bang!!!

On the spot, Xiao Yifeng raised his hand and directly blocked the attacks of the two disciples.

The Sacred Star Vein burst out from his body.

The two Star Ranking disciples were so shocked that they retreated continuously, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"You still want to challenge me with your strength?"

Xiao Yifeng said contemptuously.

"Li Xingkong, the fifty-sixth on the Star List, you actually come to challenge the Star List?"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet sound, like a silver bell, came out in Xiao Yifeng's ears.

Suddenly Xiao Yifeng trembled.

He turned around suddenly and stared at the woman with his eyes.

This woman looks very delicate and beautiful, with a melon face, willow eyebrows, and a pair of smart and bright eyes, as bright as stars.

She was wearing a long purple dress, exuding a noble and elegant temperament.

A face full of soft charm, but it also gives people the feeling of being heroic and unrivaled as a woman.

Every move reveals a noble and elegant demeanor, which makes people unable to help but fall in love!!!

"No. 56 on the Star List!!!"

"How can this be?"

"Why would the Star Pavilion send the fifty-sixth person on the Star List to the Starry Sky Ancient Seal?"

At this moment, the disciples on the Star List who were watching around looked at this woman with shocked expressions.

There was an incredible look in their eyes.

Obviously, this woman ranked 56th on the Star List is one of the only Star List disciples in the Star Academy who has entered the Starry Sky Ancient Seal.

The disciples of this Star List are divided into four major levels.

There are hundreds of disciples at each level.

From low to high, they are ordinary, entry, outer door, inner door, and core!!!

Among all the disciples in the entire Star Academy, only a few can obtain the qualifications for the Star Ranking.

The higher up the star list is, the more terrifying the future will be.

0…Please give me flowers…

For example, the talent and potential of the ninth and tenth ranked disciples on the Star List far exceed those of ordinary disciples.

If these disciples practice well.

There is a good chance of becoming an elder or deacon of Star Academy in the future.

Therefore, the disciples on this Star List are basically the top talents of each major sect.

As for the top fifty on this star list.


Although it is a level lower than those sect elders.

But their strength is enough to be proud of the Martial Artists of the same level.

He is also among the top experts in Star Academy.

As for the top ten on the Star List and the top five on the Star List.

No one can shake this ranking on the Star List, because these are all related to the Great Emperor, who is also an elder of the Star Academy, with a high status and superiority.

And it is said that they have extremely deep backgrounds and are not only valued by the elders and deans.

They were even attracted by various major sect forces.

These sect forces, including the Emperor Clan, want to recruit them as Emperor Clan's heirs.

In short, everyone on the Star List is the target of competition among the major sects.

This woman named Li Yuechan is even ranked 56th and 3rd on the Star List. .

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