1073 majesty

This old man exudes endless majesty.

A terrifying Great Emperor pressure swept across.

This old man is the Supreme Elder of the Star Palace, and is also the third strongest person on the Star List. His strength is terrifying.

His strength reached the Great Emperor Seventh Layer.

"The battle for the Star List is about to begin today."

"Are you all ready?"

The old man glanced at the people below and said slowly.


Everyone shouted in unison.

"Then let's get started!!!"

The old man said indifferently.

"Today's competition for the Star Ranking is still based on a one-round elimination system."

"Those who finally make it into the top twenty will participate in the second round of competition to determine who is number one on the star list!!!"

"The first place will be rewarded generously. You can choose a top Divine Weapon and a set of martial arts skills!!!"

"But the second place must hand over three Supreme Grade Saint Weapons or a thousand High Grade Saint Stones!!々"!"

Then the old man announced again.

Swish swish!!!

After listening to what this old man said.

Everyone present had a hot and greedy look in their eyes.

The eyes of these Star Hall disciples were filled with excitement.

They were all gearing up and eager to give it a try. They all wanted to get on the ring right away and make a splash.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Do I have to wait a month?"

Then Xiao Yifeng frowned and muttered to himself.

Boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, bursts of rumbling sounds were heard in the distance.

A terrifying aura filled the air.

It instantly enveloped the entire Star City, attracting the attention of everyone in the Star City.

"Someone has broken through to the Martial Dao Emperor Realm again?"

In Star Square, everyone felt the aura coming from a distance, and everyone looked shocked.

They all looked in that direction.

I saw a group of men and women walking towards Star Square.

These men and women wore robes with the Star Alliance logo, with star patterns embroidered on their chests.

They are the disciples of the Star Hall.

The Starry Sky Ancient Seal was snatched away by Xiao Yifeng.

As a result, the Star Alliance suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, these disciples of the Star Hall hated Xiao Yifeng very much.

They came directly to the Star Hall to preside over the competition for the Star List held by the Star Pavilion.

They descended directly to Star Square and stood there.

"Hmph, boy, how dare you steal the starry sky seal from the Sky Star Palace."

"We need to settle this account with you."

A young man in the lead said as he looked down at Xiao Yifeng from a high position.

He looked domineering.

There was a disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that Xiao Yifeng was not taken seriously at all.

"Oh, what do you want to do?"

"Could it be that you want to avenge your master?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"That's right, I will naturally have to ask you to recover this debt."

The young man hummed with a cold expression.

"May I have your name?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the young man (Wang Qian's) coldly Daogu.

"My name is Lu Xingchen."

The young man said coldly and arrogantly.

"It turns out he is a disciple of Xingchen Pavilion, no wonder he is so arrogant and domineering."

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips and said coldly.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, kneel down and beg for mercy, and I can give you a whole corpse."

Lu Xingchen looked at Xiao Yifeng with contempt, as if he was sure of victory.


At this time, the Supreme Elder of the Star Hall looked at Lu Xingchen and scolded him. .

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