1078 Invincible

Xiao Yifeng said contemptuously.

"Boy, don't think that you are invincible just because you control the Star Sword."

"Let me tell you, I haven't stepped into the real Emperor Realm yet, but I still have the power of the Emperor Realm.

Lu Yuntian shouted coldly.

"Today I will use this imperial weapon to kill you!!!"

"Immortal Executing Sword, please give me power!!!"

Lu Yuntian took out a simple long sword and shouted fiercely.

Immediately, a dazzling white light burst out from the sword and fell from the sky.

In an instant, this ancient long sword released an aura that was even more terrifying than the Nine Slashes of the Stars.

This sword was taken by Lu Yuntian from a powerful man in his early years.

This sword is said to be the weapon of a certain Emperor Monarch.

When the powerful Emperor Monarch was killed in a sneak attack, this sword was left behind.

Lu Yuntian obtained this sword and used it to conspire with his father Lu Tianyang to create the Star Palace.

This Star Palace was built by Lu Tianyang at a huge cost.

Although Lu Tianyang is only a strong Emperor Monarch.

But relying on this powerful weapon of Emperor Monarch.

However, Lu Yuntian forcefully developed the Star Palace and turned it into the most powerful sect force in the Eastern Wilderness.

But Lu Tianyang died suddenly.

The Star Palace suffered a heavy setback.

In order to preserve the foundation of Xingchen Palace, Lu Yuntian had to bear the humiliation and endure the heavy burden to survive.

Now Xiao Yifeng has killed thirty-six Quasi-Emperors in the Star Hall, completely angering Lu Yuntian.

Let him activate the sword desperately.


"Kill him for me!!!"

Lu Yuntian ordered to the sword in the void.

This imperial sword instantly shot out towards Xiao Yifeng, sweeping towards him with endless edge and murderous intent.

The imperial power released from the imperial sword caused the void to twist, collapse, and collapse.

Xiao Yifeng narrowed his eyes.

He put his foot on the ground.


In an instant, towering ancient trees emerged from the deep pit of the Star Palace.

In the blink of an eye, these ancient trees formed a mysterious pattern.

This is the formation pattern that Xiao Yifeng obtained in the Star Palace before.

When he left, he conveniently arranged it here.

Now that the formation is activated, an invisible coercion envelopes the entire Star Palace.

As the formation was activated, all the barrier restrictions outside the Star Palace began to operate.


Immediately, the imperial sword collided with the prohibition, erupting with a power that destroyed the world.

The world here seems to be collapsing.

The monstrous energy spread and shook the entire Star City.

Countless practicing Martial Artists were awakened one after another.

They witnessed the horrific energy aftermath with horrified expressions.

Wait until the smoke clears.

The entire area where the Star Palace is located is already in a mess.

There are potholes everywhere, like a doomsday scene.

Lu Yuntian looked at the scene in front of him with his body trembling, his eyes full of shock.

Xiao Yifeng stood there covered in blood (Zhao's).

There was an Emperor Level sword stuck in his right arm, and the sword had been completely inserted into Xiao Yifeng's shoulder.

There was a bloody gash on the right side of his body.

Blood kept flowing out.

Xiao Yifeng's mask was dyed red.

At this time, his face is revealed.

"Starry Sky Great Emperor!!!"

"You...you are the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky?"

When Lu Yuntian saw Xiao Yifeng's appearance clearly. .

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