1088 The overwhelming power

A spear carried the might of the sky and headed towards the Star Hall Master to suppress it.

"court death!!!"

The Lord of the Star Hall roared angrily.

He used a secret technique to mobilize the power of a star in his body and directly bombarded it.

Suddenly a terrifying aura spread.


The Star Palace Master's blow landed on the spear.

In an instant, the spear was destroyed.

At this time, this black shadow stepped out of the void.

The other party was a man wearing black clothes, with a tall build and bulging muscles.

This man has an ordinary face, but there is a deep and cold light in his eyes.

He exudes a terrifying power of the Great Emperor.

"See the Starry Sky Great Emperor!!!"

The man looked at the starry sky, Great Emperor, bowed and shouted, with a look of awe and admiration in his eyes.

Obviously he is a powerful Emperor Monarch, just because he practices special skills.

As a result, it seems that the Emperor Monarch realm does not exist, but it possesses the strength of a powerful Quasi-Emperor.

"Who are you? How do you know me?"

Starry Sky Great Emperor shouted with a cold expression.

"Great Emperor of the Starry Sky, this is everything that belongs to you."

"You should know who I am, right?"

The Great Emperor said in a deep voice.


The Great Emperor took out a token directly.

Immediately, a dazzling light burst out from this token and enveloped the starry sky Great Emperor.

In an instant, the soul memory of the Starry Sky Great Emperor was activated by this token.

He clearly saw what this token represented.

This token is the Star Token of the Lord of the Star Hall.

Back then, the Great Emperor of Stars stayed in the Palace of Stars for tens of millions of years.

Only then did he obtain this Star Token and become the Master of the Star Palace.

The Great Emperor of Stars originally thought he was back again.

The Star Palace is still the same domineering and domineering Star Palace that stands in the southern wasteland.

Unexpectedly, his Star Palace has now been reduced to ruins.

The Lord of the Star Palace fell.

The Star Palace disappeared completely.

This (ahba) scene made the Starry Sky Great Emperor extremely angry.

"Great Emperor of the Starry Sky, I am the King of the Starry Sky, the commander of the Starry Sky Army of the Starry Sky God Clan, and I have been ordered to lead the Starry Sky Army to welcome the return of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky!!!"

Star King said respectfully.

"Starry Sky God Clan?"

"What force is that?"

Starry Sky Great Emperor said coldly.

"The Starry Sky God Clan is a huge team composed of all the major divine beasts."

"Specially responsible for guarding the starry sky, guarding the starry sky Myriad Worlds, maintaining the order of the starry sky, and defending the safety of the starry sky.

"The ancestors of the Starry Sky God Clan were the greatest gods in the ancient era. They once spanned the world and were powerful in the universe."

Star King introduced.

After listening to the introduction of Star King.

Starry Sky Great Emperor's expression changed slightly.

"Are you the person sent by the Starry Sky God Clan to protect me?"

Starry Sky Great Emperor looked at Starry Sky King and asked.

"That's right, Starry Sky Great Emperor, please come with me."

Star King said.

"Okay, I'll go back with you right away!!!"

Starry Sky Great Emperor nodded, then frowned.

He looked at Xiao Yifeng and said:

"Xiao Feng, wait for me to come back!!!"


Immediately, the Star Sky King took the Star Sky Great Emperor and left here.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

This month, Xiao Yifeng has been practicing in retreat in his room.

He took this opportunity to refine all the power of the stars that remained in his body. .

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