1096 Supreme Elder

This old man in black robe is the current Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain.

His strength has already reached the half-step level of Great Emperor.

As for the other children of Xingchen Mountain, they are all Saint-level beings, and several of them have reached the Emperor Realm.

"Join the Galaxy Supreme Elder."

The commander-in-chief of Xingchen Mountain looked at the Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

"Are you the commander of Xingchen Mountain?"

The supreme elder looked at the commander of Xingchen Mountain with cold eyes and hummed coldly.

"Reporting to the Supreme Elder, I am the Commander-in-Chief of Xingchen Mountain.

The commander of Xingchen Mountain said with a solemn expression.

"The Galaxy tree is the most precious treasure of my Galaxy Mountain. All citizens of Galaxy Mountain 07 must protect it, and no one is allowed to get involved."

The Supreme Elder said in a commanding tone.

"Yes, because of the elder!!!"

The leader of Xingchen Mountain said quickly.

"The star grass on this Galaxy tree was left by the ancestors of Galaxy Mountain and cannot be destroyed!!!"

At this time, the Supreme Elder of Galaxy Mountain said directly.

"Tai Shang Elder, I know that you take great care of this Galaxy.

"But it's not like you don't know the situation here. If we don't snatch the Galaxy tree this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to report to the mountain owner at all."

"And even if we take away this Galaxy Grass, it will be very difficult to leave Galaxy Mountain safely with our strength."

"Not only will we die in Galaxy Mountain, I'm afraid people in our lineage will also be implicated."

"I'm afraid our Galaxy Mountain will completely decline by then."

The commander of Xingchen Mountain said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, we, Xingchen Mountain, are the overlord of the ancient world, how can we decline so easily?"

"Besides, General Galaxy left the Galaxy tree in order to cultivate outstanding talents for Galaxy Mountain.

"This Galaxy tree is of use to me in Xingchen Mountain, so we can't just let the lotus grow.

"If we give up this Galaxy tree, how will we, Xingchen Mountain, deal with the powerful people from all walks of life?"

"When the time comes, I, Xingchen Mountain, will definitely become the target of ridicule and attack by everyone."

"Even our Xingchen Mountain will suffer disaster!!!"

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain hummed indifferently.

"You are right, Supreme Elder."

"But once the Galaxy tree is transplanted, it will leave here."

"I'm afraid it will be damaged by then. This is my first Galaxy tree in Xingchen Mountain."

"If it is really damaged, our Xingchen Mountain will be in danger.

The commander spoke.

"I have already informed the head of the family."

"He will send experts here soon, as long as the head of the family comes."

“Even if the Galaxy tree is not transplanted, I am confident that I can keep the Galaxy tree.

"Now you pick the Galaxy tree right away."

"I will send it back to the mountain gate myself!! 910!"

The Supreme Elder shouted with a cold expression.

"The Supreme Elder,...

The commander of Xingchen Mountain was filled with hesitation for a moment, and his brows were furrowed.

The girl in the red dress looked at the Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain with an indifferent expression and coldly snorted:

"Are you trying to disobey grandpa's order?"

Hear what the girl in the red dress said.

The expression of the commander of Xingchen Mountain changed continuously.

His eyes flickered, and he finally nodded.

"Follow the will of the Supreme Elder!!!"

The commander of Xingchen Mountain bowed and said.

Immediately, the group of Xingchen Mountain disciples headed towards the Galaxy tree. .

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