that's all.

He and Old Man Baidu began to put down all defenses.

Drink like crazy.


The two of them didn't expect it.

Just in a hidden place not far away.

Two pairs of eyes were looking straight at the stone table.


Ehuang's face turned cold, flashing with strong murderous intent.

Ehuang and Li Yuntian have already come here.

What Old Man Baidu and Mr. Xiang just said was in his ears.

Emperor E's face was gloomy at this moment, revealing murderous intent.

Li Yuntian saw this and sent a message: "Don't be angry.

"Wait a minute, they'll pay the price soon!"

After hearing this, Ehuang gradually felt relieved.


Soon Old Man Bai Du and Xiang Jun will have to pay the price.

And it comes at the cost of life!

Ehuang said: "When shall we take action?"

Li Yuntian thought for a while and said, "In fact, we can start directly now."

"Of course, you can wait a while before taking action."

"It would be safer to wait until they are completely drunk to do it."

Ehuang's beautiful eyes narrowed and she said: "I think it's okay to take action now."

"I don't want to wait any longer for these two people."

"Let them die immediately!!"

When a woman becomes ruthless, Tuan is the most terrifying person.

Emperor E now only wants Old Man Baidu and Lord Xiang to die!

She didn't want to take one more breath.

"Okay!" Li Yuntian had no objection.

"With the current situation, they can't do much."

You can take action now!"

After the words fell.

Li Yuntian moved his lips and started transmitting a message to Emperor E.

The two began to discuss the timing and method of attack.

On the stone table in the courtyard.

Old Man Bai Du and Xiang Jun raised their wine glasses again and started drinking.


Just when the two of them raised their wine glasses and drank from them.


A voice sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he saw the ground exploding around the stone table where the two of them were.

At the same time, a dozen huge wooden pillars spread out from the ground, surrounding the two people.

The two of them were stunned by this strange sight.

Especially in their drunken state, the two of them could not react immediately.

In addition, since the attack was not on them, they did not evacuate immediately.

This is also the time.

"Nine water winds are rising!"

"White dew bullies frost!"

A female voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, countless water streams emerged from the exploded ground, covering the two of them.

And when these water flows splash out and spread out.

In an instant!

It turned into sharp ice-like weapons, some were long swords, some were long knives, some were bows and arrows, and some were tapered weapons...

Hundreds of them stabbed Old Man Baidu and Jun Xiang from all directions.

"not good!!"

"Enemy attack!"

At this time, the two people's consciousness finally came to their senses.

But because he was drinking with his glass up to the sky, his movements were a step slower.

In front of a master, a slow move can be fatal!


Especially Old Man Baidu, his defense against himself is almost zero.

The next moment.


A sharp sword formed by ice condensation penetrated his body directly from behind.

And the aimed position is directly at the heart.


The old man Baidu suddenly protruded a large mouthful of blood, and then fell down.

And the ice-like sharp weapon from behind also arrived in an instant.

"Puff puff!"

"Puff puff!"

Dozens of sharp weapons fell directly on Old Man Baidu's body, piercing through him.

Under such a sneak attack.

The old man Baidu had no chance of survival.


The powerful power carried by the sharp weapon blasted away his body.

There was a violent rumbling sound.

the other side.

Countless sharp weapons condensed from water roared away.

Xiangjun also had no time to react.


His back was also directly hit and he was seriously injured instantly.

But he reacted in the next breath.

"Emperor and Queen Earth!"


The ground exploded, and countless pieces of soil flew out.

He defeated Emperor E's ice-shaped weapon and protected Lord Xiang from being attacked again.

And at this moment.

This thick layer of earthy objects is still lingering on Xiang Jun's body, covering his body.

From the looks of it, it should still be an earth armor ability.

Xiang Jun successfully resisted the attack from behind.

But even with the armor at this moment, he was extremely miserable.

Because an ice-shaped sword the size of a wooden stick penetrated his body from the back.

Although he was lucky and was not hit in the heart, he was seriously injured.


"Old Man of Hundred Poisons!"

He suppressed the pain forcibly and saw the old man Baidu beside him.

At this moment, the old man Baidu had already been penetrated by dozens of ice-like sharp weapons.

He fell to the ground, dripping with blood.

It had long been motionless and completely dead.

And he opened his eyes and refused to close his eyes!

After seeing the death of Old Man Baidu, Mr. Xiang showed an ugly look on his face.



He reacted.

This kind of attack ability is exactly the ability of E Huang that he is familiar with.

It is clear.

Ehuang attacked him and Old Man Baidu.


At this time, footsteps were heard not far away.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yuntian and Ehuang walked out slowly.

"Xiangjun, you didn't expect it!"


Although there is speculation that it was a sneak attack by Ehuang.

But after seeing Huang E's appearance, Xiangjun still felt like he was hit hard.

Especially seeing Li Yuntian next to Emperor E.

What makes him even more crazy is!

That Li Yuntian man actually held the woman he once loved - Ehuang with his right hand!


Li Yuntian even stroked her gently a few times. ?



This scene was seen by Xiang Jun.

His body was so angry that he spit out a big mouthful from the stimulation.

The whole body was crumbling, and the injuries were getting worse.

I was in Xiaoxiang Valley before.

Ehuang just talked and laughed with Li Yuntian.

Ehuang took the initiative to take Li Yuntian into Xiaoxiang Valley.

but now!!

Ehuang actually took the initiative to let Li Yuntian hold his slender waist.

She actually let Li Yuntian gently touch and squeeze her!

In this scene, Xiangjun is completely crazy!


His body was trembling and furious, and he vomited blood again.


Ehuang seemed to understand Xiangjun's repeated vomiting of blood.

She glared at Li Yuntian and signaled him not to go too far.

Li Yuntian ignored it and still came forward with Emperor E in his arms.

0......Please give me flowers......

Walking to the side, he saw the miserable death of the old man Bai Du.

Only then did Li Yuntian let go of Ehuang.

After seeing Li Yuntian let go, Emperor E breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Xiang Jun with a cold and murderous look.

"Xiangjun, I didn't expect you to be such a mentally twisted person."

"Fortunately, I have never accepted your false intentions."

After Xiangjun vomited blood.

He also gradually recovered.

However, the look on his face was still extremely ferocious.

He looked at Ehuang and roared: "You bitch!"



As soon as he finished speaking.

The whole person was knocked away.


?The body flew out and hit many buildings, causing a loud noise.


By the time it stopped, Xiang Jun had fallen to the ground and couldn't struggle.

Ehuang took back his jade hand, revealing a murderous look.

"Now let's see if you can still be sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued?"

Xiang Jun, who fell to the ground and was seriously injured, had a look of horror on his face at this moment.

"The ultimate land fairy!!"

"How can it be!!"


The momentum erupted from Ehuang's attack just now was the limit of land gods.

Obviously half a month ago, Ehuang was in the middle stage of land immortality.

How can I go out on an adventure and reach the limit of land gods?


How did Ehuang get into the lair of Baidu Old Man?

Xiangjun's eyes were full of unknown and puzzlement.


There is also deep fear!

Originally, she thought that Ehuang was only a mid-level land immortal.

Just now it was because he was drunk and didn't react when he was attacked.

So Xiangjun thought he could struggle and fight against Ehuang.

In addition, these days he is also very familiar with the information about Old Man Baidu's lair, so he can escape even if he cannot defeat him.

But the blow just now!

Completely extinguishing his hope of survival!

?Not to mention that he is now in a state where he cannot afford to be seriously injured.

Even in his heyday, he was definitely no match for Ehuang.

On one side, Ehuang ignored Xiangjun.

She looked at Li Yuntian and said, "Kill him directly?"

Li Yuntian said calmly: "Kill him, it's an eyesore!"

But after saying that.

He immediately said: "You don't need to do it, I will do it.

"If you take action, there is always a possibility of being discovered."

"And if I do it, it won't be traced by divination, which is safer."

"Okay!" Ehuang nodded: "You do it.

Ehuang took action. Although he was powerful, he was also covered by astrological laws.

Can hide traces of the past.

But at that time, Xinghun and Yueshen took action for divination.

Once Concubine Yan takes action, or even Donghuang Taiyi takes action to divine.

There is still a high probability that it will be discovered.

But Li Yuntian is different!

He cannot be divined, cannot know traces or anything like that.

So he beheaded Xiangjun, and naturally there was no trace of divination.

"Da da da!"

After making a decision.

Li Yuntian raised his feet and walked step by step towards the location of the Hunan Army.

At this moment, Xiangjun was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The ice-like sword was originally used to look at the back, and the injury was serious.

Later, Ehuang exploded with all his strength and flew away with one blow.

Now he fell to the ground.

He was vomiting blood continuously and couldn't bear to struggle.

Even speaking has become difficult.


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