1099 heaven and earth are thick!!

Chu Feng looked at the Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain with contempt on his face.

"Humph, you are so arrogant!!!"

"I will let you understand one sentence today - the sky is high and the earth is high!!!"

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain snorted coldly.


All his terrifying quasi-reincarnation-level strength burst out.

The sound of thunderous explosions spread in all directions.

A terrifying aura filled the air and enveloped this area.

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain punched Chu Feng hard.

The strength of his fists is monstrous, and he carries the terrifying power of law.

The power of this blow surpassed that of a First Grade quasi-reincarnation strongman.

It even vaguely reached the level of Second Grade quasi-reincarnation.

Although the strength of this Star Mountain Supreme Elder has not yet returned to its peak.

But with the help of this elixir, he has barely improved his strength to the level of Second Grade quasi-reincarnation.

His punch exploded.

It's like a catastrophe is coming, and I'm extremely scared.

A power that destroyed the world spread.

Chu Feng frowned slightly.

He displayed the Five Elements Hegemony Fist and at the same time operated the Desolate Ancient Saint Body.

He clenched his right fist and blasted out with the power of the Eight Desolations.

The two attacks collided.


A piercing thunder sounded.

Terrifying energy ripples spread around.

Deng Deng stare!!!

Immediately, the Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain retreated continuously.

His face was pale and his body was stained with blood.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill me, Xingchen Mountain?"

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain stared at Chu Feng angrily and shouted.

"You don't need to know, you just need to understand that your Xingchen Mountain has provoked me."

Chu Feng said coldly.

Boom boom boom!!!

At this time, bursts of thunder came out.

Above the void, dark clouds condensed out.

The entire space in the Starfall Mountain Range seemed to explode and collapse.

A terrifying imperial pressure filled the entire Starfall Mountain Range.

Then came the endless sound of thunder.

Everyone present in Xingchen Mountain trembled inexplicably, and their hearts trembled.

There was shock in their eyes.


Soon, terrifying thunderous lights descended from the sky.

A sense of godless king suppressed the Star Meteor Mountain.

The entire Martial Dao powerhouse in Xingyun Mountain felt suffocated.

0......Please give me flowers......

It was as if there was an invisible mountain oppressing their bodies and trembling.

With a look of fear in their eyes, they all knelt on the ground, unable to resist this invisible pressure.

"This is the quasi-reincarnation of the emperor's calamity. This kid is going to survive the emperor's calamity!!!"

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain stared at Chu Feng.

His eyes were full of shock.


"Damn guy!!!"

When the owner of Xingyun Mountain and the strong men of Xingchen Mountain saw this scene, their expressions changed.

They didn't expect this kid to want Transcending Tribulation.

If you wait for it to enter the quasi-reincarnation realm.

By then, the losses to Xingyue Mountain would be heavy.


In an instant, the owner of Xingyu Mountain rushed here.

Several other quasi-reincarnation realm experts also rushed in.

At this time, Chu Feng was bathed in the sea of ​​thunder and thunder.

The whole body is shining with dazzling light.


One after another, the divine thunder of heaven and earth blasted down towards Chu Feng crazily.

Each of these divine thunders has the terrifying power to destroy the powerful quasi-reincarnation.

If it falls on this Xingyu Mountain, the entire Xingyu Mountain will be completely wiped out.

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