1101 The sky full of sword shadows

The sky full of sword shadows enveloped this group of people from Xingchen Mountain.

Let them avoid it at all.

Puff puff…………

In an instant, these strong men from Xingchen Mountain were torn into pieces by this rain of swords.

Blood splatters everywhere, and the scene is very exciting.

"who are you?"

Seeing all his disciples being killed.

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain glanced into the void.

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent as he stared at Chu Feng and shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, Chu Feng spread his hands.

The power in the three hundred and sixty-five acupoints in his body skyrocketed.

He once again entered the early stage of Spirit Communication in 07.

The acupoints in Chu Feng's body now contain a power comparable to the entire power of a Nirvana realm powerhouse.

He has also officially entered the early stage of Nirvana.

At this moment, Chu Feng's whole body was wrapped in purple-gold light.

His strength has directly reached the peak of the early stage of Nirvana, and is not far from the middle stage of Nirvana.

This is the final result accumulated by Chu Feng during this period of practice.

Although there is only one layer of window paper left before the middle stage of Nirvana.

But it didn't cross over easily.

"Who are you anyway?"

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain looked at Chu Feng with a gloomy expression.

At this time, these powerful men in Xingchen Mountain were all staring at Chu Feng, with a cold light in their eyes.

They looked ready to attack, ready to attack Chu Feng at any time.


Chu Feng glanced at these people.


Chu Feng shouted coldly.

"Arrogant boy, I want to see how you kill me!!!"

“Galaxy Kill!!!”

The supreme elder of Xingchen Mountain roared angrily, and he directly used his secret technique.

Mobilize all the remaining energy in his body.

Terrifying energy surged through his body.

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain mobilized all his strength to attack Chu Feng.

He used Xingchen Mountain's strongest move.

All the strong men on Star Mountain had nervous and worried looks in their eyes.

They all knew what the Supreme Elder meant by urging this move.

This is definitely the strongest blow in Xingchen Mountain, enough to kill all Martial Dao Supreme level experts.


The next second, a roaring and cracking sound came from the void.

Chu Feng activated the forbidden secret method and took a step forward.

The origin of the monstrous thunder erupted and swept in all directions.

In an instant, this Galaxy was wiped out.


See this scene.

The Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain shrank his pupils.

His eyes were wide open.

This scene completely shocked everyone present in Xingchen Mountain.

"You, Xingchen Mountain, are really rubbish."

"The first-class sect was actually destroyed by me, a little Martial Dao Great Grandmaster."

"What a shame!!!"

Chu Feng looked at the Supreme Elder of Xingchen Mountain and smiled playfully. 580 Boom!!!

Chu Feng punched the opponent directly.

The overwhelming imperial aura swept out.

The light of the stars shines out.

Chu Feng's attack carried the power of an emperor and suppressed it.

The supreme elder of Xingchen Mountain was knocked back on the spot.


Then Chu Feng took a step forward and punched the opponent's chest hard again.

The supreme elder of Xingchen Mountain was blown away on the spot.


The supreme elder of Xingchen Mountain fell to the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

His aura has become extremely weak.

Obviously Chu Feng's two blows just now directly severely damaged the opponent. .

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