1109 starry sky restricted area

"It seems that my worries are correct. This forbidden area of ​​​​the starry sky is indeed very dangerous."

“Otherwise, there would be no such terrifying energy raging.

Chu Feng said coldly.

"Xiao Feng, I suggest you don't enter the restricted area yet."

"I don't know what's in this restricted area, I think it's better to be cautious-"

The Heavenly Demon said.

"You can't change what I decided, and now someone has already entered the starry sky restricted area."

“If we don’t go in, wouldn’t we let others take advantage of us?

"I never like to suffer losses."

Chu Feng curled his lips and said, he took one step forward and headed directly towards the restricted area of ​​​​the starry sky.


When Chu Feng stepped into the restricted area of ​​​​the starry sky.

Suddenly there was a violent roar and explosion from all directions.

A terrifying spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into his body crazily.

This is simply a treasure place for cultivation.

In this environment, you only need to retreat for a day or two.

I'm afraid it can break through the bottleneck and reach a higher level.

At this time, a cold voice sounded:

"I didn't expect that this time even the successor of the Lord of the Starry Sky couldn't help but come over and die?"

A group of young men and women wearing star gowns appeared here, surrounding Chu Feng.

They are the disciples of the Star Hall, the Japanese District.

The weakest person has half the strength of Saint.

These seven people are all preparing to enter the restricted area of ​​​​the starry sky to seize the star armor and break through to the Emperor Monarch realm.

"Lord of the Starry Sky!!!"

Chu Feng listened to what they just talked about, his eyes glowed, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"That's right, the Lord of the Starry Sky is an extremely terrifying strong man, the number one strongest man in the ancient world of the Starry Sky."

"He once founded the Star Palace."

"His strength reaches the heavens and the earth, sweeping across all races in the starry sky, making him invincible in the world."

“It is said that he also controls a star sword.

"Megatronic among all races in the starry sky, he is known as the number one person in the Starry Sky Tongue Realm."

"It's a pity that such a top powerhouse fell in the restricted area of ​​​​the starry sky."

"The Palace of Stars also began to decline from that time on."

An old woman on the side sighed.

"The most powerful man in the ancient starry sky!!!"

Chu Feng murmured to himself, his eyes narrowed.

Such a title is full of domineering power.

"Now that you know that I am the descendant of the Lord of the Starry Sky, why don't you get out of here!!!"

0......Please give me flowers......

At this time, Chu Feng glanced at the disciples of the Star Hall and snorted coldly.

"The descendant of the Lord of the Starry Sky?"

"So you are the Lord of the Starry Sky, no wonder you chose this time to enter the restricted area of ​​the Starry Sky.

"You are quite courageous, and you are worthy of being my role model, Pei."

"It's a pity that you are going to die here soon."

A young man who was the leader of the group said contemptuously.

"The disciples of the Star Hall are really arrogant and don't take others seriously!!!"

Suddenly, a chuckle sounded.

Then two figures walked out slowly.

Both of them were dressed in black and holding folding fans.

His whole body exudes an elegant temperament, giving people the feeling of a handsome young man.

"People from Bei Ming Palace?"

The leading young man frowned.

"That's right, that's right."

These two people were smiling. They were Bei Mingye and Bei Mingyue, the two great talents of Beiming Sect.

As for Chu Feng, he sat quietly aside.

"I didn't expect that even Beiming Sect would get involved. Are you going to go against our Star Palace?"

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