1118 Star Continent

"You don't think I'm fake Bei Mingxue, do you?"

Bei Mingyue curled her lips.

"You are actually Bei Mingyue!!!"

"How dare you return to Star Continent privately?"

"Bei Mingxue, you actually let this scoundrel enter the Star Palace."

Bei Mingfeng looked at Bei Mingxue in front of him and cursed angrily.


"Beimingfeng, this Star Palace was built by my ancestors specifically to cultivate the direct bloodline of my Beiming family.

"If you hadn't recommended Bei Mingxue to Saint Emperor, how could I have had such an opportunity?

Bei Mingxue looked at Bei Mingfeng and shouted angrily.

And she clenched her fists tightly, staring at Bei Mingfeng with beautiful eyes filled with hatred.

"Humph, you are just a useless daughter.

"If your mother hadn't died suddenly after giving birth to you, causing the placenta to block the meridians."

"You are not worthy of being a direct bloodline of the Beiming family."

Bei Mingfeng mocked unceremoniously.

"Shut up!"

Hearing Bei Mingfeng mention her mother, Bei Mingxue shouted with a ferocious expression.

There were tears in her eyes.

Seeing Bei Mingxue's appearance, Bei Mingfeng couldn't help but sneered.

"What? You don't want to hear it?"

"Bei Mingxue, if it wasn't me.

"You have long been a bastard and a corpse. How could you possibly have a chance to continue to live?"

"It is even more impossible to possess the Nine Nether Profound Veins."

"If your mother hadn't asked me to take care of you before she died, how could I have spared you such a miserable life!!!"

Bei Mingfeng looked at Bei Mingxue and shouted sharply.

"Bei Mingfeng, shut up!!!"

"Who do you think you are? Why do you make decisions for my mother?"

"If it weren't for you, how could my mother die?"

"You are just an adopted son of my mother. Why do you teach me a lesson?"

Bei Mingxue pointed at Bei Mingfeng and shouted angrily.

Hearing Bei Mingxue's words.

Bei Mingfeng's eyes were filled with strong anger.


Bei Mingfeng's whole body erupted with terrifying power.

There was a suffocating aura about him.

It instantly enveloped the entire valley, making the air freeze.

This Bei Mingfeng has actually reached the Martial Sovereign Level.

Every move he made carried terrifying power.

"you wanna die!!!"

Bei Mingfeng looked cold.

He waved out his hand, and the sky was filled with energy.

A sharp sword was formed, tearing apart the space, and slashing down towards Bei Mingyue like lightning.

This sword contains the full power of the Martial Sovereign.

Bei Mingxue and the four Martial Masters all felt terrified.


Suddenly, Bei Mingyue spat out the word, and a gleam of light shot out of his eyes.

She mobilized all her strength and rushed out.

At the same time, she activated the Soul Devouring Technique and performed the most powerful martial skill.

Soul Devouring Technique, this is one of the nine top techniques.

This Bei Mingyue was practicing the moves in the Soul-Eating Technique.

Her martial arts move is a move that swallows other people's souls (Zhao's).

"Soul-Eating Technique!!!"

Following Bei Mingyue gave a sharp shout.

His face was distorted, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty and cruel eyes.

She directly thrust out her claws, blasting fiercely at Bei Mingfeng's attack.


The move performed by Bei Mingxue stood on top of the sword launched by Bei Mingfeng.

As a result, the two martial arts collided, making a dull and harsh sound.

Tremendous energy swept across. .

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