1127 Forbidden Power

The Lord of the Star Palace will be inspired by the forbidden power in his body.

perish together!!!

Fortunately, Xiao Yifeng didn't care about this.

If he can't even deal with the master of the Star Hall.

He has no qualifications to be the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky.

"Boy, you are quite courageous to attack me, the Master of the Star Hall.

"Aren't you afraid of the Star Palace's revenge?"

Suddenly, an eerie voice suddenly sounded in the Star Palace.


With 07, a group of black mist surged out from the depths of the palace and suspended in the void.

"The master of the Star Hall is dead."

"I am the new Lord of the Star Palace. If you surrender to me, I guarantee that you will enjoy endless glory and wealth."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the black mist and said directly.

"Haha, boy, I have lived for so long."

"Having been through all kinds of big scenes, do you think I will surrender to you?"

This black mist sneered pitifully.

"If that's the case, then what's the use of keeping you!!!"

"Xingkong Ancient Seal, suppress!!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted sharply.

He activated the ancient starry sky seal and blasted towards the black mist.

Immediately, the black mist was shattered.

Then a bead shone brightly and floated in mid-air.

"This is a star bead, which contains rich and pure energy, which can enhance one's strength."

The Devouring Beast looked at the bead and couldn't help but shout.

"take it!!!"

Xiao Yifeng threw the star bead directly to the demon-devouring beast.

He was sitting cross-legged in the void recovering his strength.


As the Devouring Demon Beast devoured the star bead, it was refined.

There was a roar and explosion in the void around him.

Countless star powers poured into the body of the Devouring Demon Beast, helping him improve his strength.

And Xiao Yifeng didn't know all this.

He concentrated on restoring his strength, and at the same time understood the star separation zone in the starry sky seal.

The next day, the sun shines into the valley.

As Xiao Yifeng's strength gradually stabilized.

During this retreat, he finally successfully entered the realm of Six Tribulations Saint and reached the Seven Tribulations Saint level.

Nowadays, starry sky map and starry sky ancient seal are added.

Coupled with Xiao Yifeng's strength that surpasses the Nine Tribulations Saint.

Even the Great Emperor is strong enough to contend.

Swish swish!!!

At this time, there were several rapid footsteps outside the valley.

Then four or five men and women walked in.

They were wearing robes from the Star Palace, exuding the power of the stars.

A young man at the head was holding a long sword and had a handsome face, looking like a handsome young man.

They are the people of the Star Palace, and this young man's strength has already entered the Emperor Monarch Realm Late Stage.

As for the other few people, they have all entered the realm of Quasi-Emperor, and their strength is extraordinary.

"Hall Master!!!" 400

Look at this group of people.

The master of the Star Hall shouted with respect.


The young man glanced at Xiao Yifeng and Xingyue'er.

When he saw Xiao Yifeng.

His pupils shrank suddenly and his expression changed slightly.

"Master Xingchen, these two people broke into the forbidden area of ​​our Xingchen Palace and killed the master of the palace.

"Master Xingchen please take action to kill this thief!!!"

The master of the Xingchen Palace quickly knelt on the ground and begged the young master Xingchen.

"Master Xingchen, you must not let this guy go, he is too arrogant.

"He actually said that he is the Lord of the Starry Sky. It's nonsense and makes no sense!!!".

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