1134 Star Stone Sculpture

At this time, there was a ripple in the void, and a group of people came directly through the air.

The leader was a man in a green shirt, with an indifferent expression and wearing a long robe.

On his right shoulder stands a palm-sized golden monkey, which looks very funny.

As for the man in green shirt, he is naturally Xiao Yifeng.

And standing next to him is naturally the star in the star stone sculpture.

As for the little White Tiger, he had returned to his dog form and was sleeping in Xiao Yifeng's arms.

A Spirit Beast like this doesn't like to stay in a storage ring, and will only stay safe in the arms of its owner.

"who are you?"

"Why did you kill my son?"

Looking at Xiao 720 Yifeng and the others,

The emperors of the Profound Heaven dynasty shouted with cold expressions.

"You people from the Profound Heaven dynasty betrayed Dongzhou and took refuge in the Holy Realm. I am here to fight against the traitors on Dongzhou's behalf.

Xiao Yifeng looked at these emperors of the Profound Heaven dynasty and said coldly.

"Are you from the Holy City?"

After hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the expressions of these emperors changed and their brows furrowed.

"That's right."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"No wonder he is so arrogant, he turns out to be from the Holy City.

"We and the Holy City have always been on the same page."

"Why do you want to interfere with my affairs in Dongzhou?" (ahdj)

An emperor from the Profound Heaven dynasty looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted.

"The Holy City will not interfere in the grudges of any sect forces."

"But the friends of the Holy City cannot tolerate being bullied by anyone. Anyone who provokes the friends of the Holy City will bear the consequences.

“Your Profound Heaven dynasty colludes with foreign races and kills your compatriots.

"If you still kill my disciples in the Holy City, the blame will naturally fall on you."

Xiao Yifeng said word for word.

"I see."

After listening to Xiao Yifeng's words, the eyes of these people from the Profound Heaven Dynasty narrowed slightly.

"I want to see how powerful the Holy City is."

An emperor from the Profound Heaven dynasty said coldly.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"Since you want to meddle in other people's business, of course we will accompany you!!!"

The emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said disdainfully.


In an instant, the terrifying power of the Great Emperor burst out from Xiao Yifeng's body.

He took one step forward and activated the Eight Desolate Divine Fists.

The emperor of the Profound Heaven dynasty was punched by Xiao Yifeng until he vomited blood.

"How is that possible? You..."

The emperor of the Profound Heaven dynasty looked at Xiao Yifeng.

There was a look of shock in his eyes, and his expression looked very ugly.


Xiao Yifeng mercilessly killed the emperor of the Profound Heaven dynasty.

As for the remaining emperors of the Profound Heaven dynasty.

They don't need to waste time at all,

Kill them all directly.

"Master, you are so awesome."

Xiao Xiuxiu came over and looked at Xiao Yifeng and praised him.

"Although this guy is not very strong, he brags about his skills."

"This guy is better at talking than you are."

The Sky-Eating Ant Emperor curled his lips.

"I'm not doing this just to show off."

Xiao Yifeng touched his nose.

"I give you zero points for pretending!!!"

The Sky-Eating Ant Emperor said directly.

Then they left here.

This palace is where the royal treasury of the Profound Heaven Dynasty is located, storing countless precious martial arts and resource elixirs.

Now all the treasures here belong to Xiao Yifeng.


Follow Xiao Yifeng to collect the treasures in this treasure house.

Suddenly, the treasures in the entire palace burst into a bright light. .

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