Comprehensive Martial Arts: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Created The Dragon Magic Skill

196. The Wushuang Ghost Takes Action And The Fire Mei Tribe Is Defeated.

Fire Meizu Gate.

not far away.

Tian Ze, the exorcist demon, and the Wushuang ghost are together again.

Tianze looked at the door of the Huomei Clan that was being bombarded continuously, showing a hint of dissatisfaction.

Because they have been attacking continuously for two quarters of an hour.

As a result, even the door of the Fire Meizu could not be breached.

Not to mention destroying the Fire Meizu.

“The efficiency is too slow!”

Tianze's eyes were cold, and he looked at Wushuang Ghost on the side, and said: "Wushuang Ghost, take action and attack the gate.

"We can't continue to write ink any longer, otherwise things will change later."

Wushuanggui, his capable general.

A body of cultivation, Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer.

The most important thing is that Wushuang Ghost is a master of strength.

Relying on the cultivation of Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer and the burst of power, even the powerful mid-level land immortals would not dare to confront him head-on.

And his body and body.

It is more than ten feet tall, ferocious and brutal, with a terrifying shape and a strange nature.

The skin is as hard as armor and cannot be damaged by ordinary attacks.

With his joining and attacking, the Fire Meizu's gate will definitely not be able to hold on for long.

"Yes, Master!"

Wushuang Ghost has long been unable to bear "Zero Six Seven".

"Dong dong dong!"

"Dong dong dong!"

After receiving Tianze's order, he immediately dragged his heavy body towards the gate of the Fire Mei Clan.

This scene.

Immediately let the soldiers guarding the Huomei clan's gate notice.

Their pupils shrank suddenly, and they all showed solemn expressions.

next moment.

A leader quickly issued an order: "This man is an unparalleled ghost under Tianze's command, and he is extremely powerful.

"You can't let him get close to the gate, otherwise the gate defense will be dangerous and may be breached."

"All archers obey the order and launch special attacks to stop him from moving forward."

The order fell.

The Huomei tribe members on the left and right sides immediately launched attacks.



“Boohoo! 17

Countless sharp arrows were shot out with a roar.

These are no ordinary bows and arrows.

But a special hidden weapon!

Some arrows are made of special materials, extremely sharp, thick and powerful.

Some carry flames and scorching heat.

Some are poisonous, and the arrows are full of black gas.

They knew that ordinary sharp arrows could not hurt the Wushuang ghost.

Therefore, special sharp arrows were launched to prevent the Wushuang ghost's attack.

Face these attacks.

Wushuang Ghost remained indifferent and continued to move forward quickly.

?His body, in addition to being hard.

He is also often taken care of by the King of Poisons, and he is second to none in terms of anti-drug resistance.

Therefore, the obstruction of the Huo Mei Clan was of no avail to him.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!”


Countless attacks and bombardments fell.

On the body of Wushuang Ghost, densely packed and various noises were made.

But what a pity!

Only a few bows and arrows caused damage to it.

But the skin was scratched and some blood was shed.

But hundreds of other attacks were all ineffective.

Wushuang Ghost also relied on this resistance to reach the gate of the Fire Mei Clan.

He raised his huge head and looked at the location of the door ahead.

His face showed a ferocious and cruel expression.

"It's my turn!"

Wushuanggui grinned, revealing a charming smile.

at the same time.

His whole body was slightly bent, making a bow-like movement,

next moment.


His body rushed forward.

In an instant.

His body came to the huge and thick gate protection of the Fire Mei Clan.

At this moment.

His huge fist has already gathered supreme power.

Then, heavy bombardments fell on the door of the Fire Meizu.


A loud bang exploded, deafening, resounding through the sky.

?immediately afterwards.

At the same time as the sound sounded.


The door was extremely heavy and supported for several quarters of an hour.

He was actually punched, leaving a huge gap.

The door was also shaky and trembling.

It looked like it was about to collapse at any moment.


This scene was seen by the soldiers of the Huomei Tribe.

They all looked horrified.

The gate that could compete with the land gods in the early and middle stages was punched out by the Wushuang Ghost.

Moreover, the entire door was shaky and about to collapse and shatter.

It can be seen from this.

The power of the monster giant in front of me is so terrifying.


"We cannot let him continue the bombardment, stop him immediately.

“Otherwise they’re going to be breached.

The leader of the Fire Mei Tribe immediately roared and shouted.

Hear the words.

Everyone in the Huomei tribe was immediately banned from doing anything else.

They all launched attacks and bombarded the Wushuang Ghost.

Bows and arrows, stones, fire, poison, giant trees...

Long knives, spears, lances, wooden spikes, dung...

Countless attacks roared past.

Wushuang Ghost ignored all these obstacles.

After he succeeded with one blow, he raised his hands again.

Then he jumped suddenly and jumped into the sky.

Then he stopped at a height of more than ten meters, closed his fists, and suddenly fell down.

This action caused his power to explode completely.

The strongest blow came from two huge fists.

Then it crashed down hard.


There was a loud noise.

Earth-shaking, earth-shaking!

The extremely heavy door of the Fire Meizu was completely blown open at this moment.

The entire door, which weighed several thousand kilograms, was directly blown open.

Countless fragments sputtered out, and the explosion made a violent sound.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Many defense mechanisms and watchtowers were shattered.

The entire door of the Fire Mei Clan was completely blown open.

There is truly no defense.

This scene.

Tianze, who was not far away, saw him.

His eyes sparkled and he showed a satisfied smile...

"As expected of a peerless ghost, he certainly lived up to my expectations!"

"Very good! The door of the Fire Meizu has been breached!"

He nodded with satisfaction, immediately looked at the exorcist and gave instructions.

"Immediately lead my Guyue soldiers to attack!"

"Destroy the Fire Meizu, leaving no armor behind!"

The exorcist smiled ferociously and immediately accepted the order: "Yes!"


He quickly went down and issued a general attack order.

"Kill kill kill kill!"

"Go, go, go, go!"

"The Fire Meizu has been breached, rush in immediately."

"Destroy the Huo Mei Clan and kill Yan Ling Ji!"

"Charge and kill."

"Kill the members of the Huomei Tribe and increase the prestige of our Guyue Tribe!"

"The Huomei Tribe dares to fight against our Guyue Tribe, it's a dead end, kill them all.

?"Boom, boom, boom..."


Get orders.

Countless Guyue soldiers rushed in with weapons in hand.


The entire Huomei Clan fell into chaos of war.


Wushuang Ghost slowly lifted up a hundred-ton boulder.

Then he looked at a building not far away, suddenly tens of thousands.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The huge building was immediately shattered and collapsed to the ground.

There were quite a few Huomei tribe soldiers over there, who were bombarded to death on the spot.

The exorcist, on the other hand, controlled many corpses and kept surrounding and killing the Huomei tribe soldiers.

These corpses will not be injured, will not bleed, and will not die easily.

The soldiers of the Huomei Tribe were retreating steadily, suffering heavy casualties.

the other side.


Tianze waved the snake head bone chain in his hand.


The five or six Huomei tribe members in front of him were immediately knocked away.



These people fell not far away and died instantly.

But Tian 2.5 is very dissatisfied with this.

He looked around with his eyes, but after not finding the target, his face became gloomy.

"Exorcist, order to go down and find Yan Lingji's hiding place immediately."

"The Huo Mei Clan may not be destroyed, but Yan Lingji must die!"

The Fire Meizu is not the point.

Yan Lingji is the key point.

Because her strength and talent are the key.

At a young age, he is in the early stage of land immortal cultivation, and is even approaching the middle stage of cultivation.

If she was given more time, it would be possible to catch up with Tian Ze.

This made the Guyue clan and Tianze feel a deep crisis!

That's why.

Only this time will the Huo Meizu and Yan Lingji operate.

So anyway.

Yan Lingji cannot be allowed to live.

"We must find Yan Lingji's location!"

"If Yan Lingji cannot be killed, then there will be no point in destroying the Huo Mei clan.

"Yan Lingji must be killed!"

Tianze's cold voice fell.

His face was full of ferociousness.

At the same time, it exudes endless killing intent.

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