
Two bone chains squeezed the airflow.

Carrying endless power, it roared out.

One headed towards Li Yuntian's head.

One headed towards Li Yuntian's chest.

In an instant!

When he came to Li Yuntian, he blasted him hard.


When Yan Lingji saw this, her expression changed drastically.

She didn't know how powerful Li Yuntian was, so she had a frightened look on her face now.

?She ducked and moved forward quickly.

From the looks of it, Li Yuntian had to block these two powerful chains.

At this moment.

Li Yuntian's body trembled as he walked around.

His eyes narrowed and his left and right hands moved suddenly.

I saw that his left and right hands were shining with purple and gold light.

Then he went up and down, grabbing the two chains that were bombarded.

?next moment.



Two deafening loud noises exploded.

And the location of the collision.

The purple-gold light burst out, piercing the eyes and making it difficult to see clearly.

Wait a moment.

The sound stopped.

The dazzling purple-gold light also gradually dissipated.

The central scene of the collision is presented.

I saw two powerful chains in Tianze that were comparable to those in the middle stage of land gods, and they were grabbed by Li Yuntian's two hands, one up and one down.

Even more outrageous is 07.

Li Yuntian's body was motionless, and his body was hairy and uninjured.

This scene.

Presented in front of everyone.

Yan Lingji's figure that was originally rushing forward suddenly stopped.

On her beautiful face, her lips were wide open, with a look of shock on her face.

She didn't dare to resist these two chains just now.

I also saw the terrifying power of the explosion when it hit the ground.

Even if she is hit, she will be seriously injured instantly or even die directly.


At this moment!

Li Yuntian actually grasped the two chains tightly with one hand in each hand.

And he looked calm and relaxed.

"Yuntian, are you already so powerful?"

Yan Lingji opened her mouth slightly and muttered to herself dumbfounded.

the other side.


The exorcist swallowed his throat and showed a look of horror.

His master's powerful attack was easily caught by a Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer man with a similar cultivation level to him?

This scene makes The Exorcist feel very unreal.

Because he himself is a Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, he knows the gap between the levels of gods on land.

?not to mention.

Now it is not the power of the land fairy in the early stage, but the power of the mid-term, and it is still two attacks.

If he had faced such an attack, he would have been frightened to pieces.

But the man not far away did all this.

"Where did this freak come from?"

"Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, can actually withstand the bombardment of the land gods in the middle stage?"

The exorcist showed a shocked face, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

Worry about his master.

Because the man in front of him was so relaxed and comfortable resisting the mid-term attack of the land gods.

It shows that this is not all his strength.

?That is to say.

This person's strength is at least not weaker than his master's.

Even in terms of strength and body alone, he completely crushed his master.

?Because my master certainly cannot resist the chains with both hands like this.


not far away.

Tianze felt as if he had been slapped hard.

His originally ferocious smile suddenly became sluggish.

He looked at the scene in front of him and fell into doubt in his life.

Two attacks that were comparable to those of a land immortal in the middle stage were actually resisted by a man from the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer.

What's even more outrageous is.

Or grab his two chains up and down.

The body is still standing in the same place, motionless!

Not even the slightest injury.

Such physical body and strength frightened Tianze.

He also knew deeply that he was definitely no match for this person in terms of body and strength.

It’s just that he can’t figure it out!

Why does a Martial Artist with only Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer have such a terrifying body and power?

Simply incredible!

Unheard of!

"Not bad power!"

Li Yuntian's lips moved and he whispered softly.


He looked at Tianze and said calmly, "Since you launched the attack, it's my turn."

"Where did these two chains come from, and where are they going back!"

The words fell.

Li Yuntian's purple-gold hands flicked suddenly.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Two bone chains immediately shot towards Tianze.


Tianze's pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't dare to be careless and quickly started to resist.

Immediately put the six snake skulls into chains, leaving four, that is, two for the waist and two for the legs.

Throw out these four chains suddenly and confront them to resist.


Six chains, touching each other.



There was a violent roar.


Tianze's four snake skulls were equipped with chains and were immediately shot away.

The two thrown by Li Yuntian defeated the blocking chains.

Immediately blast towards Tianze in front.

"Bang bang!"

There were two muffled sounds, and the chain hit Tianze's body directly.


next moment.

Tianze was completely thrown away, vomiting blood in mid-air.


His body was directly blasted dozens of meters away.

It hit a lot of objects and made a rumbling sound.

When the two collided, it was clear that Li Yuntian had the advantage.

Use two chains to defeat Tianze's four chains.

He also knocked Tianze himself out and was seriously injured.

To this.

Li Yuntian's eyes narrowed and he was a little dissatisfied.

"It's a pity that it was resisted by a lot of power."

"Otherwise, Tianze will die soon!"?

Although Tianze was knocked away, Li Yuntian knew that he was not dead.

And at most it would be serious injury.

Because of the power of his two projectile chains, they were resisted a lot.

The remaining power cannot kill Tianze with one blow.

"The proficiency of Buhuo Liuli Body is still a little low."

"If you reach Dacheng, or even the state of perfection, the power and blessing you will receive will probably increase several times.

"In that case, Yin Rong will be 100% sure of life and death.

Looking at the purple-gold light glowing in his hands, Li Yuntian murmured to himself.

His immortal glazed body is only at the proficient level, so it is somewhat inferior in terms of physical body and strength.

not far away.


Tianze's body stopped and a mouthful of blood came out again.

He controlled his body and did not fall down.

But at this moment, he had been seriously injured.

"damn it!!"

"Why is his power so terrifying?"

"Where did this monster come from?"

Tianze's pupils widened and he looked at Li Yuntian with horror.

At the same time, there was a hint of fear deep in his eyes.

Because of just one collision, he was injured.

If you do it again, you will definitely be seriously injured.

At that time.

Let alone killing Yan Lingji.

Even his own life cannot be protected.


"You can't passively resist, you have to take the initiative to attack."

550 "The attack just now was in a hurry and did not unleash its full strength."

"I don't believe it, the dignified Prince Tianze, the powerful man of the Late Stage of the Land Gods."

"You can't defeat a mere Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer!"

In the previous bombardment, Tianze passively threw out four chains to meet Li Yuntian's attack.

Therefore, the power exerted is only around the mid-term.

All his strength has not been unleashed.

So he doesn't think he is inferior to Li Yuntian.

"Damn guy!"

"Let me get hurt, and I will let you die without a burial place!"

"Six chains, combined into one!"

Tian Ze's eyes were ferocious, Tian Ze's expression was crazy.

next moment.


The six snake skulls on his body were equipped with chains and immediately joined together.

A huge snake-shaped head was formed, exuding black and red colors.


At the moment of unity, his body exploded.

He rushed straight towards Li Yuntian, preparing to use all his strength to defeat Li Yun with one blow.

"Well done!"

See this.

Li Yuntian's eyes flashed with light.

The aura in him exploded.

The immortal glazed body is activated!

The powerful True Qi explodes into a purple-gold fist.

Heavenly Demon Dafa is also activated, blessing itself.

The incomplete Golden God's Technique was also quickly activated.

These techniques are all about blessing attack and strength.

After it all broke out.

Li Yuntian moved his body and instantly activated the shadowless teleportation method.

Shadowless teleportation method activated!

His body turned into a stream of light, carrying a full blow.

In an instant.

When he came to Tianze, he punched his chained snake head.


An earth-shaking loud noise exploded.

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