"Yes, a quasi-peerless fire-based technique.

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "And it's still temporary."

"I will perfect it later and come up with a truly peerless skill."

The current Vulcan Technique is still incomplete.

Later, they all obtained the inheritance and techniques from the Fire Department and merged them together.

You can create the real Vulcan Technique.

A unique skill.

"Peerless fire magic?"

Yan Lingji's lips opened wide, with a look of shock on her face.

Let alone a peerless fire spell, it is a quasi-peerless spell.

She doesn't even have Apex Level fire spells.

Now it is known that Li Yuntian has a quasi-peerless fire spell, or even a peerless fire spell.

? How can such news not surprise and make her happy?

Li Yuntian continued: "After you handle the matter, I will teach it to you."

"Yeah!" Yan Lingji nodded repeatedly.

Then she did not delay any further and said: "Yuntian, I went over to deal with tribal matters.

After saying that.

She looked at Lingyi again, nodded slightly and saluted.

Then turned and left.

Li Yuntian and Lingyi saw this and walked into the yard.

Li Yuntian said to Lingyi: "Lingyi, please wait aside.

"If you are tired, go and rest first."

"It may take some time for me to fuse the incomplete Kogami no Jutsu with the Myriad Leaves Flower Style."

The fusion of peerless skills will definitely not be successful all at once.

Li Yuntian conservatively estimated that it would take more than seven hours.

The toxins in Ling Yi have just been removed, but the injuries have not yet fully recovered.

He rushed over at full speed to support the Huomei Tribe.

It would definitely be tiring if she was asked to wait for at least another seven hours.

Hearing this, Lingyi shook his head slightly: "I know my condition, there is no problem."

"I'm watching you from the sidelines and protecting you."

See it.

Li Yuntian did not continue the argument.

Because obviously Lingyi is obsessed with staying here.

He nodded and said, "Okay, please."

After the words fell.

His body moved and he landed in the courtyard.

"The Art of the Wood God!"

He started to activate the incomplete Kogami Technique and merged it with Wanye Feikaryu.

Fusion while practicing can directly increase your proficiency to the mastery level.

Li Yuntian naturally chose this method.

In practice.

Inverse Heaven Level understanding, it works immediately.

Just for a moment.

Let Li Yuntian enter a state of enlightenment.

that's all.

Eight hours have passed.

During this period.

Li Yuntian still has not finished the integration and continues to look for opportunities in cultivation.


on the stone table.

Yan Lingji has also dealt with the matter of the Huomei tribe and returned to the yard.

She and Lingyi were sitting together.

Yan Lingji looked at Yuntian, her face full of joy and admiration.

"Yuntian looks so serious when he is practicing. He is so handsome."

"As expected of my man!"

She didn't hide her emotions and spoke directly in front of Lingyi.

?When Lingyi heard this, his eyes moved slightly.

However, she had expected this scene when she heard Li Yuntian say that he was familiar with Yan Lingji.

?So he didn’t show any surprise.

Instead, she smiled and said slightly: "Sister Lingji, do you know Yuntian?"

When Yan Lingji heard this, she looked stunned.

She nodded, but then shook her head.

She didn't know much about Li Yuntian.

Because the actual contact between the two people was only three times.


It was Li Yuntian who killed two younger brothers.

the second time.

It was Li Yuntian who appeared to save her arm, and then helped kill the golden fire beast.

the third time.

It was today that Li Yuntian came to save her tribe and her life. ?

She lightly opened her red lips and said slightly: "My understanding of Yuntian is indeed not deep enough."

"But I have fallen deeply in love with him, and I will never give up on Yuntian in this life."

Li Yuntian's figure has long been deeply imprinted in Yan Lingji's heart.

She will never forget it in her life!

I won’t give up on Li Yuntian either!

When Ling Yi heard the words, he nodded slightly and was not surprised.

Because she knows Li Yuntian's personal charm.

There is no woman who has been in contact with him who is not deeply attracted by him, and there is no woman who is not attracted to him.

?For example, Emperor E!

For example, a female prostitute who has a vague affection for her.

For example, the two sisters Mrs. Hu and Hu Meiren.

For example, Yan Lingji in front of me.


And her!

Once you come into contact with Li Yuntian, even within a short period of time, you will be deeply attracted by her charm, temperament, and ability.

Once you get into it.

You can't help but feel good about it.

The Yan Lingji in front of me had known Li Yuntian before.

Li Yuntian also saved her and helped her break through to the realm of land gods.

Today, he even came to save Yan Lingji and her tribe.

under various factors.

It would be strange if Yan Lingji didn’t fall!

She moved her lips and said, "Sister Lingji, do you know that Yuntian has other women?"

Yan Lingji looked startled.

She really didn't know about this.

Because Li Yuntian hasn't told her yet.

But soon.

She shook her head and said with a smile: "Yuntian is so good, it's normal for a woman to like him.

"I don't beg to have him all to myself."

"I just hope that he has a piece of me in his heart.

Yan Lingji's face showed a sincere expression.

She didn't show any unhappiness or dissatisfaction because Li Yuntian had other women.


She doesn't want to know about Li Yuntian's woman either.

She just wants to be with Li Yuntian and become Li Yuntian's woman.


In the land of Baiyue.

It is normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines.

0......Please give me flowers......

Li Yuntian is so outstanding and talented.

The future has unlimited potential!

Isn't it normal for such a man to have many beauties?

Her beautiful eyes flickered, she looked at Lingyi and asked, "Sister Lingyi, are you also Yuntian's woman?"

"Ah?" Lingyi was startled.

She shook her head quickly and said with evasive eyes: "I'm not, I didn't.

"No?" Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes moved.

She smiled slightly and said: "But I feel that Sister Lingyi has a good impression and affection for Yuntian.

"Even Yuntian has the same situation with you."

"You two must be ambiguous, and neither of you wants to express it."

Yan Lingji is a smart woman, and she can see the situation between Ling Yi and Li Yuntian at a glance.

She smiled and said: "Sister Lingyi, do you want me to help you match up?"

"Ah?" Ling Yi's lips opened wide, with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Then he shook his head repeatedly and blushed: "No need, let everything take its course.


“When the time is right, maybe it will be a matter of course.

She has always chosen to let nature take its course.

The final outcome between her and Li Yuntian will be determined by God's will.


Even if there is nothing in the end, she probably won't have another man in her life.

Because Li Yuntian's figure has long been imprinted in her mind.

And how could there possibly be a better man than Li Yuntian in this world?

When Yan Lingji saw this, her eyes flashed, as if she had some idea.

At this moment.

Lingyi continued to speak and changed the subject: "Sister Lingji, how come you suddenly accepted the fact that there are many women in Yuntian?"

Yan Lingji smiled and said: "Yuntian is so powerful and has three wives and four concubines. Isn't it normal to have many beauties?"

"This kind of thing is too normal in our land of Baiyue."

"So I don't care."

"As long as Yuntian has a place for me in his heart, that's all."

After finishing speaking.

Her beautiful eyes fell on Li Yuntian who was practicing over there, showing her full love.

See this.

Lingyi nodded, feeling relieved.

Then he said: "Then don't you want to know what kind of women there are in Yuntian?"

"What are the characteristics and strengths of those women?"

These words fell.

Yan Lingji's interest was quickly aroused.

Although she doesn't care that Li Yuntian has many women, she can't do nothing.

At least understand those women.

Let’s see what kind of woman can enter Li Yuntian’s eyes?

Her red lips twitched and she asked curiously: "Sister Lingyi, tell me.

"I want to see what kind of women are around Yuntian?"

Lingyi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell you about the situation."


Her lips moved.

Tell us what you know.


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