
Among the five, her cultivation level is the highest.

He is the pinnacle of land gods!

As a result, Ehuang returned from an adventure and was directly promoted to the ultimate level of land gods.

Now I am in retreat for half a month.

It even broke through the level of heaven and man in one fell swoop!

This completely distanced her.

"What happened when Ehuang and Li Yuntian went out?"

"Where did you go, and what adventures did you get?"

"How curious."

Da Siming's lips moved and his eyes flickered.

"If you want to know all this, you have to get in touch with Li Yuntian."

"Li Yuntian is very mysterious."

"It's definitely not as simple as it seems."

The last time, it was outside the Luna Palace.

Originally, Da Siming wanted to get in touch with Li Yuntian.

As a result, E Huang, Nu Xi, Ling Yi, and Black and White Shao Siming were all there at that time.

She was too embarrassed to linger, and it was probably not my turn to communicate.

So he left.

She thought about finding some time later to get in touch with Li Yuntian.

The result was found out in the past few days.

Li Yuntian disappeared again and seemed to have gone to the land of Baiyue.

"Li Yuntian should be back in the next two days."

"This time, we can't miss the opportunity to get to know each other."

Da Siming's beautiful eyes moved slightly, showing anticipation.

The Dharma Protector Hall on the left.

"This is?"

Star Soul, who was about to practice, suddenly shrank his pupils.

"This momentum is the realm of heaven and man!"

"This is someone who has become a powerful heavenly being!"

"In the Yin Yang family, the person closest to the strong man of heaven and earth is Ehuang of the Water Department."

"It seems that Emperor E has made a breakthrough."

The news that Ehuang was promoted to the limit of land gods has long been circulated in the Yin and Yang family.

Xinghun also paid some attention.

But he didn't care.

Because he is not a heavenly being, he doesn't even notice it. ?

I just let my subordinates go and find out a little bit.

It’s different now!

Now Ehuang has broken through the realm of heaven and human, and his cultivation level is equal to his, and he is also in the early stage of heaven and human.

Maybe his combat power is not as good as his, but he is still a heavenly being.

This kind of cultivation is worthy of his attention and serious treatment.

But just take it seriously.

Others, such as sending gifts, visiting and blessing, etc.

It's impossible for Star Soul to do it.

Because his pride is here.

With the same cultivation level, he has nothing to do with Emperor E.

Coupled with the talent of his star soul, he has the qualifications of a monster.

In the early stage of heavenly being, it is definitely not his limit.

He can definitely go further in the future.

So if you want Star Soul to bless you, even Concubine Yan can't.

Unless it is the leader Donghuang Taiyi.

After paying attention for a while, Xinghun dismissed his thoughts and began to practice.

the other side.

On the right is the Dharma Protector Hall.

Luna is taking care of the clutter.

at this time.

A tyrannical momentum emerged in the Yin Yang family.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, her body moved casually, and she appeared outside the hall.

Her eyes looked into the distance.

"Xiaoxiang Valley!~!"

Moon God's eyes lit up, revealing his understanding.

"I didn't expect Ehuang to really succeed in breaking through!"

"It takes more than a month to directly advance from the middle stage of land immortal to the early stage of heavenly being."

"Ehuang's previous outing seemed to have been quite an adventure.

Her lips moved slightly and she murmured to herself.


She thought of another person.

"Li Yuntian went out with Ehuang, so he should know something about it."

"Would you like some contact?"

"Forget it, I still don't understand other people's adventures."

Luna shook her head to dispel the thought.

Then his eyes lit up and he said, "Li Yuntian seems to be more attractive."

“I always feel that he is not simple and has many secrets.

Moon God said with interest on his face.


She seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why did that guy Concubine Yan suddenly take over the matter of the death of Lord Xiang?"

"Did she find some clue?"

She was previously responsible for Xiangjun's death.

A few days ago, Concubine Yan suddenly took over.

This made Moon God very dissatisfied and also showed doubts.

However, Concubine Yan's position was higher than hers, and this was an order from the leader.

She can't violate it either.

Now she is also confused about this matter.

"At tomorrow's meeting, I want to see what Concubine Yan wants to do?"

Luna's eyes narrowed slightly.

Dongjun Hall.

deep zone.

This place is where Concubine Yan, the master of the Yin-Yang family, lives.

Concubine Yan, who was sitting on the futon, opened her eyes.

She looked at a certain location, showing a shocked expression.

"This is the realm of heaven and man!"

As soon as she moved her hands, the sun immediately fell.

After one breath.

Her beautiful eyes lit up and she looked happy.

“Xiaoxiang Valley!”


After some divination, she determined the source of the aura and the person coming.

It is the Xiaoxiang Valley of the Ministry of Water, Ehuang!

"Huang E was still in the middle stage of land immortality more than a month ago, and now he has broken through to the realm of heaven and man."

"It's really unexpected."

"But it's okay, with the addition of a strong celestial being, the strength of our Yin Yang family has been improved again."

"That's a great thing."

Concubine Yan nodded slightly, showing an expression of satisfaction.

But soon.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and murmured: "But!"

"The death of Lord Xiang seems to be related to Emperor E."

"The traces of Xiangjun's death have been found. It was in the Sui Dynasty or the old man Bai Lei's lair."

"And Huang E happened to be in the Sui Dynasty some time ago, and he was also involved in the Yingui Sect of the Sui Dynasty."

"All this, this is such a coincidence!"?


Concubine Yan has learned this information through divination and investigation.

She already knew the place where Xiang Jun died.

It’s the old man’s lair!

But the clue ends here.

Moreover, the old man Baidu's lair was completely destroyed, and no clues or traces were found.


It has long been rumored that Emperor E appeared in the Sui Dynasty and participated in the Demon Gate War, helping the Yin Gui faction kill Shi Zhixuan.

The king of Xiang died in the Sui Dynasty, and Emperor E also appeared there.

What a coincidence!

Therefore, Concubine Yan suspected that the death of Lord Xiang must be related to Emperor E.


It was Emperor E who killed him!

After thinking about it, Concubine Yan (Qian Ma Zhao) thought of another person.

"Speaking of which, besides Ehuang, there is another person who is very important!"

“Li Yuntian!!”

Concubine Yan's lips moved slightly, her expression slightly condensed.

Besides Ehuang, she is more interested in Li Yuntian.

Because Li Yuntian was also involved.

What made Concubine Yan even more amazed was.

It seems that both Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan and Ehuang became Li Yuntian's women.

Li Yuntian, a man who has cultivated to the realm of Celestial Phenomenon!

He actually conquered two powerful women who were as powerful as land gods.


Now Ehuang has broken through the realm of heaven and man!

I heard that the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan is about to break through to the realm of heaven and human beings.

That is to say.

Li Yuntian, a Celestial Phenomenon cultivator, actually transformed two celestial beings into beauties.

Conquered together!!

Concubine Yan was amazed by this fact.


Apart from being amazed, I am also curious about the cabinet.

I have a strong curiosity and interest in Li Yuntian.

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