In the main hall.

Soon only Li Yuntian and Concubine Yan were left.

Li Yuntian's eyes moved, and he looked at Concubine Yan and said, "Concubine Yan, why do you want to keep me here?"

Concubine Yan did not answer directly.

Looking at Li Yuntian, her red lips parted slightly: "Li Yuntian, I didn't expect you to be a member of my Dongjun Palace."

"You have good talent and great potential."

"Now that I have reached the cultivation level of Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer, there will definitely be no problem for land gods."

"As for the realm of heaven and man, there is hope!"

Looking at Li Yuntian, Concubine Yan said slightly.

?With Li Yuntian's qualifications, he can definitely break through the level of land gods.

After all, there is already Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer.

As for the gods?

Then maybe.

Because it is too difficult for a strong person from heaven to break through.

Among a hundred land gods and powerful men, one has already burned high incense.

So she didn't dare to say with certainty that Li Yuntian was 100% able to break through the heavenly realm.

Li Yuntian was a little surprised.

Because as soon as Concubine Yan opened her mouth, she recognized his potential and talent.

He thought that Concubine Yan wanted to ask about something.

For example, Xiangjun's matter and so on.

He nodded slightly and said: "I don't dare to pray in the realm of gods and humans, but there is definitely no problem with the gods on land.

Concubine Yan nodded and continued: "Li Yuntian, I can feel that your strength is not bad!"

"I even have a hunch that 180 your combat power seems to be no weaker than the strong ones in the middle stage of Land Immortal."

Under Concubine Yan's perception, she could clearly feel the momentum coming from inside Li Yuntian's body.

Especially the physical body, strength, and True Qi.

She felt that the three of them, Li Yuntian, were more powerful and frightening than the average mid-level land immortal.

That's why she said that Li Yuntian's combat power was very strong.

No less than the mid-term land fairy!

Li Yuntian paused, and then his eyes moved: "In terms of combat power, I am indeed somewhat powerful.

“But it’s comparable to the early stage of land gods.

"It's not as exaggerated as Lady Yan said. It's comparable to the powerful mid-level land gods.

He can actually show off his talent and combat power a little bit.

After all, this can gain Concubine Yan's attention and recognition.


Concubine Yan over there nodded, showing that this was indeed the case.


Her eyes moved and she seemed to have made a decision.

She looked at Li Yuntian, her red lips moved slightly and said: "Li Yuntian, your strength is the strongest among the members of Dongjun Palace besides me."

"And I basically don't know how to take care of things in Dongjun Palace."

"So, I plan to teach you how to handle the matters in Dongjun Palace."

"how do you feel?"

The words fell.

Li Yuntian was slightly startled.

"Dongjun Palace, let me take care of it?"

He looked stunned and somewhat unexpected.

For no reason or reason, just hand over the affairs of Dongjun Palace to him?

He always feels like something is wrong here!

This is too much trust in him!

Although he is a disciple of Dongjun Palace, he is also meeting Yan Fei for the first time.

Li Yuntian thought for a while and quickly asked: "Ms. Concubine Yan, can I refuse this matter?"


Concubine Yan frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Controlling the Dongjun Palace, you may not claim to have the power to reach the heavens, but most of the enemies of the Yin Yang Family, and even the Great Grandmasters of the Five Divisions, will obey your orders."

"Don't you want to have such power?"

Li Yuntian shook his head and said: "Master Yanfei, I am lazy and don't really like management and other things."

"I like cultivation and real strength!"

"If you have time for management, you might as well practice more and improve your strength."


Concubine Yan was startled and a little lost.


She is in the same situation as Li Yuntian.

She doesn't like management very much, she also likes to practice and is lazy.

That's why I have always ignored the affairs of Dongjun Palace and always left it to my subordinates.

And she also saw that Li Yuntian really didn't like controlling the Dongjun Palace.

For a while.

She fell silent.

Li Yuntian really doesn't like management.

What he pursues is the supreme power.

Now he is only at the Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer level, and he is still far from being the supreme power.

The most important thing now (ahac) is to improve your own strength and become one of the real strong ones.

?Management and the like are of no benefit to him.

He glanced at Concubine Yan and quickly said: "Master Concubine Yan, just leave management and other matters to the strong men of the older generation."

"Their cultivation is basically fixed and difficult to break through."

"You just have time to manage Dongjun Palace and show your own value."

"And now, I am still in the stage of improving my cultivation. If I am delayed by managing things, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

Hear the words.

Concubine Yan's lips parted slightly, somewhat speechless.

All the time.

Because she does not manage the Dongjun Palace, and leaves it to the stronger men of the older generation.

They are those powerful men of the older generation of Dongjun Palace who are forty or fifty years old.

Their cultivation is stuck.

Or maybe there is no hope of going any further in this life.

On weekdays, they basically have nothing to do.

It's perfect to let them manage complicated things.

And Li Yuntian is at the top of his game!

Letting him waste time on this is definitely a medical decision.

Concubine Yan thought for a while and nodded slightly: "You are right!"

"This is not something I thought carefully about. Let's just let this matter go."


The reason why Concubine Yan asked Li Yuntian to manage the affairs of Dongjun Palace was to give Li Yuntian power.

It's because of a reason.

on the one hand.

She already knew that Yueshen wanted to win over Li Yuntian secretly.

Although she didn't care much about Luna, she didn't pay much attention to Luna's provocation.

But she was still reluctant to let go of such an outstanding and talented disciple as Li Yuntian.

Especially a disciple who is 100% able to break through the powerful immortals on land.

on the other hand.

It was because she wanted to keep Li Yuntian in the Dongjun Hall, and then take the opportunity to observe and understand him.

Because her divination told her so.

Li Yuntian is not a simple person!!

Her astrological laws and divination skills are not to mention the best in the world.

But it is definitely at the forefront of the comprehensive martial arts continent.

But a few days ago!

But there was no trace of divination on Li Yuntian.

This situation!

That's not normal either.

There must be a big secret in Li Yuntian.

It’s certainly not simple!

Therefore, she wanted to keep Li Yuntian in the Dongjun Hall and observe him carefully.

This is why he suddenly said that he wanted Li Yuntian to manage Dongjun Palace.

This makes it easier for her to observe and understand more.

At this moment.

Li Yuntian said: "Master Yanfei, if this is the case, can I leave?"

"Don't worry yet!" Concubine Yan said immediately.

Although she couldn't let Li Yuntian be the manager of Dongjun Palace, it didn't mean that she gave up understanding Li Yuntian.

She also has other ideas and methods!

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