that's all.

Li Yuntian practiced for another seven hours.

Thanks to his hard work.


The pleasant reminder sound sounded again.

[You combine the Earth God's Technique (Incomplete) and the Earth Department's inherited technique - Huang Tianhou Earth, in a fusion attempt. ]

[Your fusion is effective. ]

[Your Earth God Art (incomplete) has been improved, upgraded to: Earth God Art! ]

[The Art of the Earth God: A peerless earth-based skill and control technique. You can turn into the god of earth and control the earth element at will. ]

[Because you have successfully created something in your practice, your earth god technique and proficiency have been improved. ]

[The Art of the Earth God, upgraded to: Mastery!]

"It's done!"

Li Yuntian's eyes lit up and shot out a ray of light.

After another seven hours of practice, he finally integrated the Earth God's technique.

Another peerless skill is under control.

?"Now all that's left is the Fire God's Jutsu."

Li Yuntian nodded and smiled.

But this time.

A voice came from the side.


Ehuang's voice sounded.

"Yuntian, have you succeeded in practicing?"

Ehuang looked expectantly.

Li Yuntian nodded and smiled: "The practice was successful!"

"Now all that's left is the Fire God's Jutsu."

"I'm going to take advantage of the victory to pursue it and continue practicing!"

"Try to integrate all five skills first and then talk about it."

"Even if there is no big integration yet, you can still try to understand it and delve deeper into it bit by bit.

"Prepare in advance for the future great integration."

"Yeah!" E Huang nodded aside.

Li Yuntian saw this and smiled: "Wait for a few more hours until I can complete the fusion of the Vulcan Technique.

The words fell.

He began to practice again and integrate at the same time.

"Fire Element: The Art of Fireball!"

"Fire Element: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Fire type· Impatiens flower claw red!"

"Fire Element·Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Fire type·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"Fire Element: Dragon Fire Technique~°!"

He began to use the incomplete Vulcan Technique to practice quickly.


Within the Xiaoxiang Valley, violent commotion broke out.

There were also these groups of flames erupting, all red.

But thankfully.

Inside Xiaoxiang Valley, there is a powerful formation that covers up the movement.

time flies.

The past six hours.

This time, the time is a little faster than the fusion of the Golden God's Technique and the Earth God's Technique.

It only took Li Yuntian six hours to complete the fusion.

[You combine the Fire God's Technique (Incomplete) and the Fire Department's Law Manifestation to try fusion. ]

[Your fusion works. ]

[Your Vulcan Technique (incomplete) has been improved, upgraded to: Vulcan Technique! ]

[The Art of the God of Fire: A peerless fire-based skill and control technique. You can turn into the god of fire and control the fire element at will. ]

[Because you have successfully created something in your practice, your Vulcan Technique and proficiency have been improved. ]

[The Art of Fire God, upgraded to: Mastery!]


Li Yuntian retracted his body and stopped suddenly.

He took a deep breath and looked happy.

"The fusion of the Fire God's Technique has finally been completed!"

"The five peerless arts of the five divisions have finally been mastered.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth, five magic arts, five peerless skills.

Finally, they were all successfully integrated by Li Yuntian.



Otherwise, start the fusion of the five peerless skills immediately to create a supreme skill.

"More than two days have passed, and there are still more than two days left. The integration time is simply not enough."

"Sure enough, we need to come back after completing the mission with Concubine Yan before we can fuse."

Li Yuntian calculated the time and found that there were less than three days left.

This time is not enough to integrate the supreme technique.

"There is not enough time to fuse the supreme technique, but it is enough to fuse the Nine Palace Soul Moving Technique and the Mind Technique."

E Huang redeemed the four skills.

The inherited skills of the three branches of metal, earth and fire.


There is also a forbidden technique - the Nine Palace Soul Moving Technique!

There is still a lot of time now, just in time to integrate this soul-moving technique and improve the mind technique.

"View properties!"

Immediately, Li Yuntian thought silently in his heart.

[Name: Li Yuntian]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Force: Yin Yang Family]

[Qualification: Genius]

[Cultivation: Great Grandmaster Celestial Phenomenon Third Layer]

[Heart Method: Yin Yang and Five Elements Technique]

[Swordsmanship: Sword Control (Dacheng)]

[Spells: Water God's Technique (Proficient), Wood God's Technique (Proficient), Fire God's Technique (Proficient), Earth God's Technique (Proficient), Metal God's Technique (Proficient)]

[Martial Arts: Immortal Glazed Body (Perfection), Heavenly Demon Technique (Perfection), Shadowless Teleportation Technique (Dacheng), Mind and Soul Technique (Perfection)]


on the properties panel.

In the spell column, all incomplete suffixes have been removed and turned into a complete state.


"Just merge the mind magic and the nine palace soul shifting skills."

He nodded and made his decision.

But this time.

Emperor E's voice sounded.

"Yuntian, is the practice over?"

Li Yuntian looked over and said with a smile: "Cultivation is over.

"The five peerless spells have all been sorted out.

"That's all that's left - fusion."

Emperor E was delighted and walked forward quickly.

"That's great!"

"It's a pity that there's not enough time, otherwise you would be able to fuse now."

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Yes."

After saying that.

He quickly noticed the current color of the sky.

The setting sun disappeared, and it was clear that night was approaching.

"Yuntian, do you want to take a rest and eat something?"

Li Yuntian's eyes moved and he smiled and said: "Okay, take a rest."

"Anyway, the integration of the gold, earth, and destruction methods has been completed."

"All that's left is the fusion of the Nine Palaces (hao Zhao) soul-moving technique and the mind-moving technique, which won't take much time."

As he said this, Li Yuntian noticed that the female prostitute was not here.

His eyes moved and he looked towards Emperor E.

"What's wrong?"

Ehuang blinked, showing confusion.

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Ehuang, in the dead of night, I don't eat anything."

"Ah?" E Huang was startled.

"Then you want to practice again?"

Li Yuntian shook his head and said with a mysterious smile: "I don't eat, but I eat people!"

The words fell.

He moved his body and raised his big hand.

next moment.

He directly hugged Ehuang's entire body.

"Ah!" Ehuang was shocked.

Li Yuntian hugged Ehuang and put his lips to her earlobe: "Eat you!"

The words fell.

He moved his body and carried E Huang towards the other side of the room. close?

"Bad guy!!"

On the way, Ehuang's shy voice sounded.

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