"View properties!"


Li Yuntian had an idea.

The properties panel is presented.

[Name: Li Yuntian]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Force: Yin Yang Family]

[Qualification: Genius]

[Cultivation: Early Land Immortal Stage]

[Heart Method: Yin Yang and Five Elements Technique]

[Swordsmanship: Sword Control (Dacheng)]

[Spells: Water God's Technique (Proficient), Wood God's Technique (Proficient), Fire God's Technique (Proficient), Earth God's Technique (Proficient), Metal God's Technique (Proficient)]

[Martial Arts: Immortal Glazed Body (Perfection), Heavenly Demon Technique (Perfection), Shadowless Teleportation Technique (Perfection), Nine Palaces Heart Magic (Dacheng)]


After briefly looking at "723", Li Yuntian nodded with satisfaction.

Then close the page.

He moved his body and headed towards where Concubine Yan and Da Siming were.

"Li Yuntian, is it?"

Concubine Yan stood up and asked with expectation.

"In terms of speed, was the breakthrough successful?"

Da Siming also stood up and blinked.

Li Yuntian said with a smile: "Live up to expectations!"

"Okay, okay!" Concubine Yan shouted three times, feeling very happy.

After all, if Li Yuntian's speed increases, the subsequent plans will be more confident to be implemented.

She looked around and said, "It happens to be night time now, how about we enter today?"

Li Yuntian responded: "That's exactly what I had in mind!"

"But it's still the previous plan. Let's go into the medicine garden first and find Spirit Medicine and the like to improve my cultivation and Da Si Ming's cultivation."

"After entering the core place, there is no rush for time anyway.

"Of course!" Concubine Yan nodded and said in approval.

"Let's go!" Upon seeing this, Li Yuntian moved towards the entrance of Sunset Valley.

Concubine Yan and Da Siming also had their bodies flickering.


The three of them arrived at the entrance to Sunset Valley.

Li Yuntian turned around, looked at the two women behind him, and said, "Are you ready?"

"Did I take you into Sunset Valley?"

Concubine Yan and Da Siming looked at each other and nodded to each other.


Li Yuntian moved his left and right hands and placed them directly on the shoulders of the two women.

And then the next moment.

The shadowless teleportation method was activated.

"call out!"

For a moment.

The three people crossed the formation and entered the Sunset Valley.

"Is this the inside of Sunset Valley?"

Da Siming looked around with curiosity.

Concubine Yan moved her body and walked forward.

After walking for more than ten steps, I found that as long as I didn't expose my breath, the formation would not be touched.

Then she came back.

"As long as I don't activate my breath and launch an attack, I won't be sensed by the formation."

She looked at Li Yuntian, her bright lips moving slightly.


She said helplessly: "But in this case, I will just watch and not be able to help you."

"So the next thing, the crisis we may encounter, can only depend on the two of you."

Li Yuntian smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can solve it.

Da Siming opened his mouth and looked at Li Yuntian.

It seems to mean that I should have said this!

Because it is in her cognition.

Li Yuntian's cultivation level is at the early stage of the Land Immortal, and he can explode up to the Late Stage's combat power among the Land Immortals.

She is the pinnacle of land gods, and when she explodes, she can briefly rival the limit of land gods.

So it's up to her.

However, Da Siming soon thought that maybe Li Yuntian was talking about the ability to ignore formations.

Her lips moved: "I will practice with Li Yuntian, there should be no problem."

"In addition, Li Yuntian once entered the medicine garden with E Huang, so it should be safe."

Li Yuntian heard this and shook his head slightly.

He smiled and said: "It's really not a problem to get to the medicine garden from here."

"But it's not safe over there in the medicine garden."

"Is there anything there?" Da Siming frowned slightly.

Li Yuntian looked solemnly and said: "There is a powerful Great Monster there that is as powerful as a land god!"

"A powerful and bloodthirsty blood tarantula!"

The black-scaled snake is also the ultimate monster of land gods, but he is trapped in the earth spirit fruit formation and cannot get out.

So Li Yuntian simply ignored it.

But the blood wolf spider can walk freely in the medicine garden.

So this is the biggest trouble.


Now Li Yuntian is not afraid...

"Blood Wolf Spider?" Concubine Yan asked doubtfully.

"The Blood Wolf Spider can actually grow into the ultimate level of land immortal?"

Li Yuntian said: "I didn't believe it at first, but it is the truth."

“After all, this is a relic from ancient times, so it’s normal for some abnormalities to occur.

Hearing this, Concubine Yan nodded and felt relieved.

But Da Siming on the side had a solemn expression.

"Land Immortal Ultimate Monster?"

"When my strength explodes, I can only have short battles with the extreme masters of land gods.

"But it will be defeated in a moment."

"How to deal with this Monster?"

Concubine Yan also frowned and was helpless for a while.

Li Yuntian, on the other hand, smiled mysteriously and said: "I have a way to deal with it.

"Is there any way?" The two women's eyes lit up and they looked at Li Yuntian.

Li Yuntian said: "I succeeded last time. Now that my strength has improved, is there nothing I can do?"

"If nothing else works, we can enter some formations and get rid of the Blood Wolf Spider."

"My ability to ignore formations is the best way to dodge."

The two women heard this and nodded in approval.


If you can't defeat the Blood Wolf Spider, you can evacuate and enter the formation of the Medicine Garden.

In that case, the Blood Wolf Spider would be unable to catch up.

Of course, that might be the case for Blood Wolf Spider sitting back and waiting for 0.8.

But as long as Spirit Medicine is found in the medicine garden and its strength breaks through, the Blood Wolf Spider doesn't have to worry.

Look at the expressions of the two women.

The corners of Li Yuntian's mouth curled up slightly.


With his current combat power, he could beat the Blood Wolf Spider violently.

Even if you explode with all your strength and use all the skills unscrupulously, you can kill the blood wolf spider.

But his combat strength situation.

He didn't intend to say it or expose it now.

In short, it is not a last resort.

There was no way he would be exposed.

He smiled slightly at the two women and said, "Okay, let's go to the medicine garden."

"I will lead the way, you follow."

The words fell.

Li Yuntian walked in front and left quickly.

Concubine Yan and Da Siming saw this and quickly followed.

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