374 Disaster!

"Our One-Eyed Gang just won't leave, what can you do to us?"

The boatman ignored the members of the One-Eyed Gang, but looked at Li Yuntian and said respectfully, "Master, what the One-Eyed Gang has done has been seen by Master. They are just a group of executioners. Any merchant ship targeted by them will be killed. They will all be looted by them, and even the crew on the ship will not be spared. In recent years, the number of "340" crew members who have been slaughtered by the One-Eye Gang is not only one thousand, but also eight hundred. Please ask the master to do justice for heaven and eradicate these scourges. !”

Li Yuntian nodded and said, "Don't worry, leave these pirates to me!"

After speaking, Li Yuntian looked at the people in the One-Eye Gang, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

He originally just wanted to repel the pirates and prevent them from intercepting the passenger ship.

But after learning what the pirates had done, Li Yuntian changed his mind!

He didn't object. Pirates robbed wealth, but if they robbed wealth and killed all the people, that would be too much!

"I said, how can you, a boatman, be so bold and dare to challenge our One-Eye Gang? It turns out that you have found a bald donkey as your backer. Do you think this bald donkey can protect you?" Dulong said disdainfully. .

When he saw Li Yuntian, he had already scanned Li Yuntian's Dantian and found no fluctuations in internal energy.

This also means that Yuntian is not alone!

Since you are not a Martial Artist, what else is there to be afraid of?

Even if the monk Li Yuntian had some troubles, Dulong would not take Li Yuntian seriously.

"Presumptuous! How did you talk to the master? I think you don't want to live anymore!" the boatman scolded.

"Master? Bah! Can a little monk pretend to be a master? Does he think he is a Shaolin disciple?" Dulong mocked, not taking Li Yuntian to heart at all.

"You're right, I'm really a Shaolin disciple. What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied?" Li Yuntian interjected.

"Shaolin disciple? Are you bluffing me? Do you think I will believe you if you say you are a Shaolin disciple?" Dulong said disdainfully.

"You're overthinking, I'm not interested in bluffing you!" Li Yuntian shook his head.

"Impossible! There is no way you are a Shaolin disciple! If you are a Shaolin disciple, why don't you have any internal energy in your Dantian?" Dulong didn't believe it!

You know, Shaolin Temple is the Sacred Land of Central Plains martial arts, with many masters!

The disciples of Shaolin Temple are all highly skilled in martial arts!

If Li Yuntian really came from the Shaolin Temple, he would definitely be a Martial Artist. There would be no internal energy fluctuations in his Dantian!

Hearing Dulong's words, Li Yuntian was stunned for a moment!

He is obviously a third-rate Martial Artist, how could he not have internal power in his dantian?

However, Li Yuntian quickly reacted!

It should be because he has practiced the "Yi Jin Jing". The "Yi Jin Jing" has the effect of turning decay into miraculous!

Maybe it was the "Yi Jin Jing" that covered up the internal energy fluctuations in his Dantian, so Dulong didn't notice it!

When Li Yuntian met the sweeping monk for the first time, he also didn't find any internal energy fluctuations in his Dantian. At that time, Li Yuntian still looked confused, but now Li Yuntian understands!

He did not discover the internal energy in the Dantian of the sweeping monk. It was not that his internal force was too low, but that the sweeping monk practiced the "Yi Jin Jing", and the "Yi Jin Jing" covered up the internal energy fluctuations in the sweeping monk's Dantian... ....

"Who said I don't have internal energy in my Dantian? You didn't notice it. I can only say that your internal energy is too low!"

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