404 cunning

I don’t really believe it, but since it was said by Kang Min himself, it’s probably not false!

"Brother, it's better to be careful! Kang Min is very cunning. Maybe she sees some flaw and uses it to trick her. We can't fall for her easily!" Li Yuntian reminded.

"Don't worry, big brother knows what to do!" Qiao Feng nodded.

After having his goal, Qiao Feng immediately decided to go to Dali to settle the score with Duan Zhengchun!

Although it is not yet 100% certain that Duan Zhengchun is the leading brother, he is still inseparable!

After arriving in Dali, Qiao Fengfeng personally interrogated Duan Zhengchun to see if he was the leader.

If Duan Zhengchun wasn't the big brother, it would be easy to say!

Once it is confirmed that Duan Zhengchun is the leader, Qiao Feng will never let Duan Zhengchun go!

A'Zhu didn't stop her, but she already had an idea in her mind.

Just as Qiao Feng and the others were about to rush to Dali, they were suddenly blocked by a crazy Martial Warrior.

"Who are you? Why did you stop us?" Qiao Feng stared at the Martial Warrior warily and asked.

Crazy Martial Warrior ignored Qiao Feng, roaring crazily and slashing everywhere with a knife, looking very scary.

"Brother Qiao, this Martial Warrior seems to have been stimulated by something and is a little crazy!" A'Zhu reminded.

Qiao Feng also saw that this Martial Warrior had some mental problems. If he was allowed to chop down like this, he would inevitably hurt passers-by.

For the safety of others, Qiao Feng took action forcefully and restrained Wu Ren.

"My friend, what's wrong with you? Calm down, don't be anxious, if you need anything, you can tell us!" Qiao Feng comforted.

The reason why he didn't leave was because he saw that this Martial Warrior was from Dali, and they happened to be going to Dali!

It would be of great benefit to them if they could learn something about Dali from this Martial Warrior!

After the Dali Martial Warrior was restrained by Qiao Feng, his mental state improved a lot. He glanced at Qiao Feng and the others and said in an anxious tone, "I am the Martial Warrior under King Zhennan of Dali. I have something urgent to see my lord. But I am not in good condition right now, so I would like to ask a few friends to do me a favor and send a message to the lord!"

When he heard that this Dali Martial Warrior was Duan Zhengchun's subordinate, Kunfeng's expression suddenly changed...

"Are you Duan Zhengchun's subordinate?" Qiao Feng asked.

Dali Martial Warrior nodded.

"Where is your master now?" Qiao Feng asked.

"My lord is in Xiaojing Lake now!" Dali Martial Warrior replied.

When he heard the words "Xiaojing Lake", Chifeng's face lit up with joy!

Because Xiaojing Lake is dozens of kilometers away from here, if Duan Zhengchun is really in Xiaojing Lake, he will be able to see Duan Zhengchun soon!

Qiao Feng was very lucky to have met this crazy Dali Martial Warrior!

If he hadn't met the other party, Qiao Feng's trip to Dali would probably have been in vain!

Qiao Feng didn't want to run away in vain. After all, Dali was thousands of kilometers away from them, and it would take several months to go back and forth.

In contrast, A'Zhu's face looks a bit ugly!

She didn't expect that they would meet Duan Zhengchun so soon!

She thought it would be more than a month before she could see Duan Zhengchun!

"That's all, it's a blessing rather than a disaster!" A'Zhu sighed. .

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