407 Star Party

The disciples of the Xingxiu Sect are not easy to mess with. Many of the heroes in the martial arts have suffered from the Xingxiu Sect!

While Qiao Feng and others were watching the fun, Azi took action again and stabbed a few more times into the lake. Each stab could kill a fish.

However, Ah Zi did not bring these fish ashore, but let their bodies float on the lake.

It seemed that she killed these fish just for fun, not for eating.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Feng frowned, slightly displeased!

He felt that the girl in purple was a bit too cruel. If the other party wanted to eat fish, he could fork a few fish and take them away.

If you harpoon a fish but don't take it away, and let the fish's carcass float on the lake, isn't this an indiscriminate killing of innocent people?

A'Zhu on the side also frowned, obviously he couldn't stand A'Zi's behavior.

Only Li Yuntian was not surprised. Azi was a disciple of the Xingxiu sect and grew up in the Xingxiu sect. The environment of the Xingxiu sect was very cruel and they followed the principle of the law of the jungle.

Azi grew up in this kind of environment, and it’s hard not to think about Wolfsbane!

"Girl (ahcj), if you want to eat fish, just catch a few and take them away, kill them and then not eat them. Don't you think it's a bit cruel?" The fisherman's face darkened and he couldn't help but accuse.

"I just like killing, what can you do to me?" Ah Zi said with a smile. She didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this at all, but on the contrary, she found it very fun.

"Humph!" The fisherman snorted coldly and ignored Ah Zi.

Although he felt that Ah Zi went too far, he still couldn't do it and taught Ah Zi a lesson!

He is a Martial Artist no matter what, but he still can't do things like bullying small ones.

The fisherman doesn't want to compete with Ah Zi, but Ah Zi doesn't want to let the fisherman go.

I saw that Ah Zi stretched out her hand and snatched the fishing rod from the fisherman's hand.

"What do you want to do?" The fisherman's expression changed and he asked.

After all, he is also a Martial Artist and has two brushes. Unexpectedly, Ah Zi can snatch the fishing rod from his hand. You can tell at a glance that Ah Zi is not simple!

"What are you doing? Don't you like fishing? I won't let you fish, and I will let you say bad things about my aunt!" Azi said with a smile.

After saying that, Azi used both hands to break the fishing rod.

But soon, Azi's expression changed. She tried her best but failed to break the fishing rod in her hand.

Little girl, this fishing rod of mine is made of Ancient Gold. If you want to break it, it is a complete fantasy!" The fisherman glanced at Ah Zi and said disdainfully.

Azi also knew that it would be difficult for her to break this fishing rod. The most powerful thing among Xingxiu sect disciples is poison, but their internal strength is actually average.

However, even if the fishing rod cannot be broken, the fisherman will never want to own this fishing rod again.

If you dare to offend Ah Zi, of course Ah Zi will not let the fisherman have a good harvest!

"Huh? Who do you see coming?" Ah Zi suddenly pointed behind her and said.

The fisherman subconsciously turned around and looked, only to find that there was no one behind him.

Before he could come to his senses, he heard a "plop" sound. The fisherman instinctively felt something was wrong and turned around quickly, just in time to see Azi throw his fishing rod into the lake.

The fisherman was immediately anxious. His fishing rod cost a lot of silver to build, so he couldn't just throw it away!

The fisherman wanted to jump into the lake and pick up the fishing rod. .

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