410 bullying!

We are not as easy to bully as fishermen!" Li Yuntian reminded.

Ah Zi's heart trembled. She really wanted to teach Qiao Feng and Li Yuntian a lesson, but before she could take action, Li Yuntian saw through it. This surprised her and she didn't dare to act rashly!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Since when did I take advantage of you? Don't accuse a good person unjustly!" Ah Zi yelled.

"It's best to do this, otherwise, you will suffer a lot!" Li Yuntian warned.

07 "Sister, he bullied me!" Azi said coquettishly, holding A'zhu's arm.

"Don't worry, sister, my sister is here to make sure they won't touch you!" A'Zhu comforted.

After speaking, A'Zhu looked at Li Yuntian.

"Li Yuntian, you can't bully this sister. She is so cute. You two are about the same age. You should get along well." A'Zhu warned.


Li Yuntian's head is full of black marks, and Ah Zike is not cute at all. She is more sinister than anyone else. It's okay if she doesn't bully others, but others don't dare to bully her.

Moreover, because she grew up in the Xingxiu Sect, she has no concept of good and evil and is very vicious. Anyone who provokes her will not end well!

A'Zhu doesn't understand A'Zi, so he thinks A'Zi is cute!

If A'Zhu knew A'Zi, he wouldn't think so!

While several people were talking, a series of footsteps suddenly came from the distance.

Li Yuntian and the others subconsciously looked up and saw a gentle and elegant middle-aged man, protected by several guards, walking towards them.

This middle-aged man was none other than Duan Zhengchun they were looking for.

At this time, Duan Zhengchun looked a little angry, and it seemed that the person coming was evil!

Li Yuntian is not worried that Duan Zhengchun is causing trouble for them. He and Duan Zhengchun's son Duan Yu are good friends, and he has never offended Duan Zhengchun, so Duan Zhengchun will naturally not cause trouble for him.

As for Qiao Feng and A'Zhu, although they have a relationship with Duan Zhengchun, Duan Zhengchun doesn't know about it, and naturally he won't trouble Qiao Feng and A'Zhu.

Since he is not here to cause trouble for Li Yuntian and the others, he can only be here to cause trouble for Azi.

As expected, Duan Zhengchun came to Ah Zi angrily and scolded, "Little girl, you are so ridiculous. This fisherman has not offended you, why are you making fun of him? Let him go quickly!"

When Ah Zi played tricks on the fisherman, Duan Zhengchun was not far away. He saw the whole process of Ah Zi playing tricks on the fisherman. He felt that Ah Zi had gone too far, so he wanted to step in and save the fisherman.

"Uncle, who are you? Do I know you? If you say let me go, let me go, how shameless will it be for me?" Ah Zi glanced at Duan Zhengchun and said 617 disdainfully.

She knew that Duan Zhengchun had an extraordinary background, otherwise, there would not be so many guards following him!

But Ah Zi is not afraid at all. In her life, except for her master Ding Chunqiu, she has not been afraid of anyone else.

Even if Duan Zhengchun has an extraordinary background, so what?

It’s okay if you don’t provoke Ah Zi, but if you really provoke Ah Zi, Ah Zi must make her look good!

The disciples of the Xingxiu Sect have always been bold and fearless. There is no one in this world they dare not offend!

"Little girl, don't worry about who I am. I ask you to let him go. You'd better be obedient to avoid asking for trouble!" Duan Zhengchun said coldly. .

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