414 kills people like hemp!

She is definitely a public enemy in the martial arts world. Why would she save such a person?" Qiao Feng advised.

He had already guessed that Ah Zi was from the Xingxiu Sect. In the martial arts world, only the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect were proficient in using poison.

Ah Zi carries a poisonous needle with her, and she is a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect.

The disciples of the Xingxiu Sect are each more hateful than the last, and they are all murderous!

If Azi wasn't a disciple of Xingxiu Sect's disciple "617", Yufeng might have saved her life!

Since Azi is a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect, don’t blame him for refusing to save him!

"Brother Qiao, that sister is still young, does not distinguish between good and evil, and is not a bad person in nature. Wouldn't it be a pity if she died like this! Please, save her!" A'Zhu begged.

She was somewhat displeased with Ah Zi for shooting those guards, but she didn't think that Ah Zi was a bad person!

She fell in love with Ah Zi at first sight and really didn’t want anything to happen to Ah Zi!

Qiao Feng was a little hesitant. He was a brave and upright person. If he was asked to save a good person, he would never refuse!

Ask him to save the villain, but he really can't do anything!

What if, after Azi was rescued, he killed innocent people indiscriminately, wouldn't he also become an accomplice?

But A'Zhu finally spoke once. If he refused, A'Zhu would definitely be sad!

A'Zhu has never begged Qiao Feng, but he finally begged Qiao Feng once. It would be somewhat unkind for Qiao Feng to refuse.

Just when Qiao Feng was debating whether to save others, Li Yuntian on the side plunged into the lake and swam towards the Azizao water.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Feng felt very grateful!

If Li Yuntian hadn't taken action, he really wouldn't have known what to choose!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for trying to please Qiao Feng and gaining +100 favorability."

"Ding, congratulations on reaching 100% favorability of the host. You have been given a chance to steal. Do you want to use it immediately?"

"Great, I got another chance to steal!" Li Yuntian looked happy!

The reason why he jumped into the lake to save people was because he saw that Qiao Feng was too confused and wanted to help Qiao Feng!

Although this girl Azi is hateful, her nature is not bad!

She grew up in the Xingxiu Sect and did not distinguish between good and evil, so she treated human life with indifference!

If someone can teach her, Azi will definitely learn it well!

It is precisely because A Zi’s crime is not worthy of death that Li Yuntian comes to help!

"Use!" Li Yuntian chose to use 0 without hesitation

"Ding, congratulations to the host for spending one stealing opportunity and obtaining the "Cloud Expelling Double Palms"!"

"Pailing Clouds and Two Palms"?

Li Yuntian was stunned when he heard about this technique!

He did have some impressions of this technique. This technique was created by Qiao Feng. It was very powerful. With one palm strike, he could easily kill tigers and blind bears. "It is definitely a superior technique."

Although the power of "Subduing Palms" is extraordinary, compared with "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms", it is still far behind!

Li Yuntian's heart is "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms", not "Pai Yun Shuang Palms".

To be honest, Li Yuntian was somewhat disappointed that he did not steal "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms" this time.

Li Yuntian has already stolen several skills from Qiao Feng, none of which is "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms". It must be said that Li Yuntian's luck is very bad.

At this moment, Yuntian suddenly stopped thinking about Duan!.

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