421 died inexplicably!

Unfortunately, no one can do it!

If Azi is really a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect, then she is really not a good person!

Ruan Xingzhu subconsciously took a step back and distanced himself from Azi!

She didn't want to be poisoned by Ah Zi and die inexplicably!

Ruan Xingzhu was just about to divert his attention when he suddenly found that Ah Zi's clothes were soaked. He felt soft and said, "Little girl, your clothes are soaked. Wearing wet clothes can easily catch a cold. If you believe me, you can Come with me to your humble residence, and I'll pick out a new outfit for you!"

"Auntie, you are such a nice person! Unlike that uncle who would bully the younger ones! If he hadn't attacked me for no reason, I wouldn't have used a hidden weapon against him!" Azi curled her lips and said.

"Witch, stop talking nonsense here! If you hadn't made fun of the old man, how could I have taken action against you?" Duan Zhengchun scolded angrily.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Duan, why are you arguing with a girl? I'll take this girl to change clothes first, and come back later~!" Ruan Xingzhu said as a peacemaker.

"No, Ah Xing, you can't take her there. This witch is a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect. What if she uses poison on you? I finally found you, but I don't want anything to happen to you!" Duan Zhengchun flatly refused.

If he didn't know that Ah Zi was a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect, maybe Duan Zhengchun wouldn't have stopped him

Now, he already knows that Ah Zi is a disciple of the Xingxiu Sect, so of course he will not allow Ah Zi and Ruan Xingzhu to be alone together!

"Uncle, please stop being so slanderous! Auntie and I have no grievances, so why would you use poison on her?" Ah Zi glared at Duan Zhengchun, with blazing fire in her eyes.

She felt that Duan Zhengchun was so hateful that he slandered her in front of her, which made her very angry!

"Mr. Duan, don't worry, I believe this little sister won't harm me!" Ruan Xingzhu comforted.

For some reason, when she first saw Ah Zi, she felt very friendly, and her intuition told her that Ah Zi would not hurt her.

"No! Ah Xing, you must not be alone with her, I'm not worried!" Duan Zhengchun shook his head stubbornly.

Ruan Xingzhu was moved in his heart, but said, "Duan Lang, if you are worried, then go back with me. With you by my side, I believe this sister will not take action."

This time, Duan Zhengchun did not refuse and nodded readily.

With him around, Ah Zi would never dare to attack Ruan Xingzhu, unless Ah Zi no longer wanted to live!

Everyone came to Ruan Xingzhu's residence. Ruan Xingzhu took Ah Zi to the house and brought a pair of clean clothes for Ah Zi to change into.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Ah Zi thanked her and took off her wet clothes, revealing a snow-white body.

Just as she was about to put on the clothes Ruan Xingzhu handed over, she found Ruan Xingzhu staring at her shoulders, affectionate and excited. This made Ah Zi feel like a monk two feet tall and confused (Nuo Zhaohao)!

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Azi couldn't help but ask.

"Little sister, can you tell me where the birthmark on your shoulder came from?" Ruan Xingzhu took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and asked.

Hearing this, Azi was stunned and didn't understand what Ruan Xingzhu meant when he asked this question. However, she still replied honestly, "This birthmark has been with me since I was born. Auntie, what are you doing?"

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