425 misunderstanding

It makes sense, Prince Duan did not know your identity before, so he took action against you. This is completely a misunderstanding, there is no need to worry about it!" A'Zhu advised.

"Sister, what did you call her? Mother? Could it be that you are also her daughter?" Azi was taken aback and couldn't help but ask.

Not to mention Ah Zi, even Duan Zhengchun and Ruan Xingzhu were shocked and looked at Ah Zhu immediately.

A'Zhu didn't waste any time and directly lifted up his sleeves, revealing the red birthmark on his arm. 07 This red birthmark is exactly the same as the birthmark on Ah Zi. It doesn’t take a guess to know that Ah Zhu and Ah Zi are the separated sisters.

"It's great. Not only did I find my sister today, I also found my elder sister. Our family is finally reunited!" Ruan Xingzhu said excitedly.

Duan Zhengchun was also very excited. He did not expect that he would be so lucky to meet his long-lost daughters at the same time today!

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I, Duan Zhengchun, would have such a pair of beautiful daughters. It's really great!" Duan Zhengchun said excitedly.

Qiao Feng's face darkened. He didn't expect that A'Zhu was actually Duan Zhengchun's daughter!

This time, it’s hard to go through!

Don't forget, he came to Duan Zhengchun this time for revenge!

If Duan Zhengchun is A'Zhu's father, how can he take revenge?

If he killed Duan Zhengchun, A'Zhu would definitely not forgive him!

But the hatred of killing his father and his mother is irreconcilable, so it is impossible for Qiao Feng to give up revenge!

"Damn, how did things develop to this point!" Qiao Feng cursed secretly.

Among the people, the only one with a calm expression was Li Yuntian.

Li Yuntian has known for a long time that A'Zhu and A'Zi are Duan Zhengchun's daughters, so he is not surprised at all!

Duan Zhengchun left a lot of romantic debts in the world, and there were many women who gave birth to Duan Zhengchun’s children!

A'Zhu and A'Zi are just a pair of illegitimate daughters, nothing worth making a fuss about!

"Brother Qiao, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it!" A'Zhu apologized.

A'Zhu didn't want to hide the father-daughter relationship between her and Duan Zhengchun, but she was afraid that Qiao Feng would leave her after finding out.

After all, Duan Zhengchun was probably the leading brother, and Qiao Feng's parents died at the hands of the leading brother.

The hatred of killing father and mother is irreconcilable. If Qiao Feng knew that A'Zhu was Duan Zhengchun's daughter, he would never be together with A'Zhu, the daughter of his enemy again!

Of course A'Zhu doesn't want to leave Qiao Feng. She finally got together with Qiao Feng, and she also wants to stay with Qiao Feng until they grow old together. If Qiao Feng leaves her, she will probably be more uncomfortable than death.

It's a pity that 207 Chifeng still found out about this matter!

From Qiao Feng's livid face, we can see how angry Qiao Feng is!

Qiao Feng didn't say anything. He was indeed very angry. He was not angry about A'Zhu's identity, but angry that A'Zhu should not hide him!

The person who offended Qiao Feng was Duan Zhengchun, not A'Zhu. Every wrong has its own cause, and every debt has its owner. Qiao Feng will not implicate his hatred on A'Zhu.

"Brother, it is indeed wrong for Miss A'Zhu to conceal this matter, but she did this to maintain the relationship between you. You can't blame Miss A'Zhu!" Li Yuntian said good things for A'Zhu.

Hearing this, A'Zhu glanced at Li Yuntian gratefully.

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