430’s strength is unfathomable!

However, this also depends on people. Most people may be afraid of the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect, but those Martial Artists with outstanding light skills are not afraid!

And Yun Zhonghe happens to be good at Qinggong, and can step on the snow without leaving a trace. If he wants to use a hidden weapon to plot against Yun Zhonghe, it is basically impossible!

"A'Zi, listen to mother, you are no match for Yun Zhonghe, don't take action rashly!" A'Zhu interrupted.

AhZi curled her lips, but in the end she didn't take action!

She can not listen to Ruan Xingzhu, but she can't help listening to A'Zhu!

A'Zhu is her sister, and they hit it off immediately. She likes A'Zhu very much, and of course she doesn't want to make A'Zhu angry!

"Duan Zhengchun, you should know the purpose of our visit this time. I can give you a chance. As long as you can defeat me, I will let you go!" Duan Yanqing said in a deep voice.

He is the eldest among the four evil men, full of evil, and his strength is unfathomable!

He rarely takes action, but once he does, basically no one is his opponent.

He came here this time to deal with Duan Zhengchun. If he could catch Duan Zhengchun, he might be able to use Duan Zhengchun to force Duan Zhengming to abdicate!

His biggest wish in this life is to inherit the throne and regain everything he lost.

In order to achieve this wish, he will do whatever it takes!

Previously, he kidnapped Duan Zhengchun's son Duan Yu and gave Duan Yu Yin Yang Hehuan San in an attempt to force Duan Zhengming to abdicate.

It's a pity that he failed in the end and Duan Yu escaped!

There was no other way, Yanqing could only target Duan Zhengchun.

Duan Zhengchun was the king of Zhennan in Dali. In Dali, he was considered inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, and his status was respected.

If Duan Zhengchun can be blocked, Duan Zhengchun may be used to force Duan Zhengming to abdicate.

"Is this true?" Duan Zhengchun was shocked and asked hurriedly.

Although he knows that he is no match for Duan Yanqing, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up!

"Of course! Of course I mean what I say!" Duan Yanqing nodded with certainty.

"Okay, I agree!" Duan Zhengchun nodded in agreement without saying a word.

"Duan Lang, be careful! Duan Yanqing is very strong, you must not be careless!" Ruan Xingzhu warned.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Duan Zhengchun comforted.

Although he said this, Duan Zhengchun was not sure at all!

There is no way, Duan Yanqing's strength is too strong!

He is one of the Four Great Evils, and he ranks first among the Four Great Evils. You can imagine how terrifying his strength is!

After agreeing, Duan Zhengchun immediately stepped forward and confronted Duan Yanqing. 657 Duan Zhengchun initially used Duan’s sword technique, wanting to test Duan Yanqing’s strength!

Unexpectedly, Duan Yanqing also used Duan's sword skills to duel with Duan Zhengchun.

Both of them are descendants of the Duan family in Dali, so they are naturally familiar with the Duan family's martial arts.

Compared with Duan Zhengchun's Duan's swordsmanship, Duan Yanqing's Duan's swordsmanship was obviously much better. Duan Zhengchun was at a disadvantage from the beginning and was completely beaten by Duan Yanqing!

After Duan Yanqing took action, Yun Zhonghe was not idle and rushed towards Azi and others immediately.

He is a devil of lust, and he likes to rob women. Today he met so many Supreme Grade beauties, and he will not miss anything!

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