432 Extraneous branches!

If possible, he would not want to fight Li Yuntian!

His target is Ah Zi and others, not Li Yuntian, he doesn’t want to cause any complications!

"Yun Zhonghe, if you want to seduce Azi and the others, you must pass my level first! If you can't even pass my level, then don't seduce them!" Li Yuntian said lightly.

Yun Zhonghe's face darkened and he said coldly, "Boy, don't be shameless! I won't fight you, not because I'm afraid of you. If you are ungrateful, I won't mind killing you first!"

530 "Yun Zhonghe, whether I am ignorant or not, it doesn't matter what you say. If you can kill me, you have the ability." Ji Quququ said calmly.

"Okay, okay, kid, I was going to let you go. Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude! Go to hell!" Yun Zhonghe laughed angrily and took action boldly!

It has to be said that Yun Zhonghe was indeed very fast. One second, he was dozens of meters away, and the next second he appeared in front of Li Yuntian.

In terms of speed, even Li Yuntian is far inferior to Yun Zhonghe!

Arriving in front of Li Yuntian, Yun Zhonghe grabbed Li Yuntian's face.

His most powerful skill is his claw skill, which has the power to penetrate gold and crack stones. Once caught, even if he is not dead, he will be ruined!

Of course, Li Yuntian would not let Yun Zhonghe catch his face. He immediately used "Floating Ripple Microsteps" and easily dodged Yun Zhonghe's claw technique.

After that, Li Yuntian punched Yun Zhonghe in the chest with lightning speed.

Yun Zhonghe used his claw skills to resist, but was knocked back several meters by Li Yuntian's punch.

"What a profound inner strength!" Yun Zhonghe's pupils narrowed sharply.

He thought that Li Yuntian's internal strength was not as good as his, but he never expected that Yuntian's internal strength was actually deeper than his!

Yun Zhonghe subconsciously scanned Li Yuntian's Dantian, and then (ahcd) discovered that Li Yuntian had actually broken through the realm of a second-rate Martial Artist and was on par with him, which surprised him!

How old is Li Yuntian?

It seems that he is only 17 or 18 years old. He has broken through to the realm of second-rate Martial Artist at such a young age. Isn't this terrifying?

"Huh? This kid actually has the upper hand, it seems like he has the upper hand for a while!" Ah Zi glanced at Li Yuntian with a strange look in her eyes, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

She thought that Li Yuntian was no match for Yun Zhonghe. Unexpectedly, Li Yuntian repelled Yun Zhonghe and gained the upper hand, which somewhat surprised her.

It seems that she still underestimates Li Yuntian, Li Yuntian is far stronger than she imagined!

"Xiao Lin actually defeated Yun Zhonghe? How is this possible?" Ruan Xingzhu was shocked!

She never expected that Li Yuntian could actually defeat Yun Zhonghe!

You know, Yun Zhonghe is a second-rate Martial Artist, extremely powerful!

Moreover, Yun Zhonghe is good at Qinggong and can come and go freely. He can easily attack others, but it is difficult for others to attack Yun Zhonghe.

With Yun Zhonghe's strength, it should be more than enough to defeat Li Yuntian!

As a result, Yun Zhonghe failed to defeat Li Yuntian, but suffered a big loss in front of Li Yuntian. How can this not be surprising!

A'Zhu was also amazed by Li Yuntian's strength. Although she had learned from Qiao Feng that Li Yuntian was extraordinary, she did not expect it.

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