434 is slightly better!

"What? You can't beat this kid? Is it true?" Ye Erniang was surprised and couldn't help asking.

"Ye Erniang, why did I lie to you? If you don't believe it, you can fight him and you will know how powerful he is!" Yun Zhonghe rolled his eyes.

"Trash, you and the third child are both trash, you can't even beat a young boy! You have lost all the face of our four evil villains!" Ye Erniang mocked.

She has some impressions of Li Yuntian. Li Yuntian once had a battle with the South China Sea Crocodile God, and he was slightly better at that time!

Unexpectedly, even Yun Zhonghe lost to Li Yuntian!

A young boy of seventeen or eighteen years old actually defeated the Crocodile God of the South China Sea and Yun Zhonghe one after another. If word spreads about this, where will the reputation of the four villains go?

Yun Zhonghe also knew that he had embarrassed the four villains, but Li Yuntian was indeed very strong, and he was no match for Li Yuntian!

If it weren't for his extraordinary Qinggong skills, even if he didn't die this time, he might have been seriously injured!

"Ye Erniang, don't just talk about me and the third child. If you have the ability, go fight this kid. You are probably no match for him!" Yun Zhonghe muttered.

The four villains are ranked according to their strength, and the strongest one is Duan Yanqing. He is a Grandmaster-level master whose daily strength is unfathomable!

Under Duan Yanqing, there is Ye Erniang. Ye Erniang is a second-rate Martial Artist. She has cultivated feminine inner strength and is very difficult to deal with. Moreover, she is proficient in hidden weapons and sword skills, and her strength is one of the best among the second-rate Martial Artists.

Next is the South Sea Crocodile God. The South Sea Crocodile God has infinite power and has practiced a hard Qigong. He is invulnerable. There are few people in the same realm who can be his opponent.

Yun Zhonghe ranked last. His strength was at the bottom among the four evil men. However, he had excellent light skills and could walk on the snow without leaving a trace. Even if his strength was not as good as that of Ye Erniang and the South China Sea Crocodile God, Ye Erniang and the South China Sea Crocodile God. There is nothing you can do about Yun Zhonghe easily!

It is precisely by relying on this light skill that leaves no trace on the snow that Yun Zhonghe can dominate the martial arts world!

If he didn't have this light skill, Yun Zhonghe would have been beaten to death long ago based on what he did!

Although Ye Erniang's strength is higher than Yun Zhonghe's, the difference in strength is not very big!

Yun Zhonghe can't beat Li Yuntian, and Ye Erniang is probably no match for Li Yuntian...

The two of them laugh at the same pace at fifty steps, and no one is qualified to criticize the other!

"Old Si Yun, what are you talking about? I can't beat that young boy? Do you think I'm as useless as you?" Ye Erniang glared at Yun Zhonghe and said disdainfully.

She is the second most powerful among the four villains. Except for Duan Yanqing, who is stronger than her, the others are not as strong as her!

Just because Yun Zhonghe and Nanhai Crocodile God can't defeat Li Yuntian, it doesn't mean that Ye Erniang can't defeat Li Yuntian either!

Ye Erniang is not as useless as Yun Zhonghe and Nanhai Crocodile God. She can't even beat a young boy!

4.3 Yun Zhonghe shrank his head and said coquettishly, "Ye Erniang, I didn't arrange it for you. That boy's strength is indeed not simple, especially his palm skills, which are even more domineering. I was just brushed by the palm wind." He was seriously injured in one fell swoop, you must not underestimate him, otherwise, you will definitely suffer a big loss!"

"Hmph, Fourth Yun, don't try to raise others up here. That kid is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and his hair has not even grown."

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