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None of them could do anything to Li Yuntian, which shows how strong Li Yuntian is!

Although Yun Zhonghe is one of the Four Great Evils, his most powerful skill is Qinggong. In terms of strength, he is at the bottom among the Four Great Evils and is not strong at all!

With Li Yuntian's strength, he is more than enough to deal with Yun Zhonghe!

"The palm technique used by my second brother just now is so familiar. It's a bit like my self-created "Cloud Expelling Double Palm"!" Qiao Feng murmured to himself.

He felt that the palm technique Li Yuntian used just now was "very similar to his own palm technique - "Cloud Expelling Double Palm".

But it's just a resemblance. Qiao Feng doesn't think that what Li Yuntian used just now was the "Pailing Cloud Palms"!

After all, he created this palm technique not long ago and no one taught it to him. It is impossible for Li Yuntian to understand this palm technique.

"As expected of the palm technique created by my eldest brother, it is really terrifying!" Li Yuntian's eyes lit up!

He guessed that "Pai Yun Shuang Zhang" was very strong, but he didn't expect that "Pai Yun Shuang Palm" was so strong!

Obviously his palms did not hit Yun Zhonghe, but the wind from his palms hit Yun Zhonghe, sending Yun Zhonghe flying away. This is enough to show how powerful this palm technique is!

If "Paiyun Double Palm" hits Yun Zhonghe, it might be able to kill Yun Zhonghe directly!

In terms of power, "Pailing Cloud Palms" is definitely superior to "Devil-Subduing Palms". Maybe "Pailing Clouds Double Palms" attack with both palms, one more palm than "Demon-Subduing Palms", so it is so powerful!

If only one palm is used, the power of "Cloud Expelling Palms" may not be as powerful as "Demon Subduing Palms"!

With the power displayed by "Pailing Cloud Palms", even if he meets a first-class Martial Artist, Li Yuntian is still capable of fighting!

Before Li Yuntian could think about it, he saw a graceful figure appearing in front of him.

"Ye Erniang, it's you! What? Do you also want to ask me for advice?" Li Yuntian glanced at Ye Erniang and said lightly.

He knew that Ye Erniang was very powerful and ranked second among the four evil people, second only to Duan Yanqing.

But Li Yuntian is confident that Ye Erniang is no match for him!

He has practiced several Apex Level techniques. At the same level, no one can be his opponent!

Unless Ye Erniang breaks through to the realm of first-class Martial Artist, Ye Erniang will definitely not be able to beat Li Yuntian!

"Boy, you are so crazy! Don't think that just because you defeated that good-for-nothing Yun Lao Si, you are invincible! Yun Lao Si is the last among the four evil men. It's nothing special for you to defeat him!" Ye Erniang He glanced at Li Yuntian disdainfully and said coldly.

She didn't take Li Yuntian seriously at all. After all, she was also a famous figure in the martial arts world for a long time and had killed countless people!

As for Li Yuntian, he is just a young boy of 17 or 18 years old. He has no reputation in the martial arts world. At the very least, Ye Erniang has never heard of a figure like Li Yuntian in the martial arts world (Nuo Lihao)!

It is simply impossible for a little-known person to defeat Ye Erniang!

If Ye Erniang can't even deal with Li Yuntian, "Wouldn't that be such a waste?"

"Ye Erniang, I didn't think I was so great!" Li Yuntian shook his head and said.

There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. Li Yuntian still understands!

He never thought that he was invincible!

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