440 Breaking the Precept Sword Technique

Once the "Breaking Sword Technique" is used, blood will basically be seen.

In the entire martial arts world, there are only a few people who can stop her "Breaking Precepts Sword Technique"!

This time, Ye Erniang used the "Breaking Sword Technique" to deal with Li Yuntian.

I thought I could defeat Li Yuntian easily, but I didn't expect that I missed it twice. I couldn't help Li Yuntian even half a point. This made Ye Erniang feel very embarrassed!

Ye Erniang was not discouraged, she did not believe that Yuntian could escape!

As long as she hits Li Yuntian with one knife, Li Yuntian will be finished!

Ye Erniang once again used the "Breaking Sword Technique" to hit the vital points of Li Yuntian's body, trying to kill Li Yuntian!

Li Yuntian stepped on the "Floating Ripple Microsteps" and easily avoided Ye Erniang's knife skills.

Ye Erniang slashed more than a dozen times in a row, but failed to hit Li Yuntian, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Boy, don't hide if you have the ability! You are a man after all, but you keep dodging. What are your abilities?" Ye Erniang said excitedly.

She wanted to force Li Yuntian to confront her head-on, but she had no choice. Li Yuntian's body skills were too strong. Although her sword skills were powerful, they couldn't attack Li Yuntian, so there was nothing she could do against Li Yuntian!

Only her "Breaking Sword Technique" can hurt Li Yuntian by attacking him.

"Kung Fu is also a type of strength. If you can't hit me, you can only blame yourself for being too slow. You can't blame anyone else!" Li Yuntian shook his head and said.

Seeing that Li Yuntian didn't take the bait, Ye Erniang's face darkened!

"Boy, if you dodge again, I will deal with others. Just because you are fast, does not mean that others are also fast. If you don't want your friends to get hurt, then don't dodge and fight me head-on!" Ye Erniang threatened.

Ye Erniang is one of the four evil people. The four evil people do many evil things and are full of evil. In order to win, they will do whatever it takes!

Her speed is not as good as Li Yuntian. If Li Yuntian keeps dodging, she will not be able to do anything to Li Yuntian.

In order to force Li Yuntian to stop and confront her head-on, Ye Erniang threatened Li Yuntian with Azi and others.

Li Yuntian is not worried about the safety of Ah Zi and others. With Qiao Feng here, Ye Erniang cannot hurt Ah Zi and others at all.

However, since Ye Erniang wanted to confront him head-on, he fulfilled Ye Erniang's wish.

Li Yuntian volunteered this time to deal with the four villains just because he wanted to test his strength.

If he keeps dodging, Li Yuntian won't be able to test his strength!

Thinking of this, Li Yuntian immediately said, "Ye Erniang, if you want to confront me head-on, no problem, I can satisfy your request!"

Hearing this, Ye Erniang's eyes lit up and she praised, "Boy, you are not a big man, but you are quite a man, watch the knife!"

Without saying a word, Ye Erniang slashed at him again.

This time, Li Yuntian did not dodge, but planned to confront Ye Erniang head-on!

Seeing it, the short knife in Ye Erniang's hand was about to hit Li Yuntian.

At this critical moment, Li Yuntian suddenly shot out both palms and accurately struck the back of the knife.

In an instant, a huge force rushed towards the short knife in Ye Erniang's hand.

Feeling this terrifying force, Ye Erniang's expression changed drastically!

She never thought that Li Yuntian's small body actually contained such explosive power!

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