807 Top Sect

The thought of Profound Sovereign whispered.

Then his eyes glanced at Xiao Yifeng's location.


On that spot, the idea of ​​Profound Sovereign turned into a pure force and entered Xiao Yifeng's mind.

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng felt as if his head had exploded.

He passed out immediately.

At the same time, among the top sects and families in Nanzhou, Beimo, and Shengzhou, they all received news.

The ancestor of the Xuan family died outside the city of Profound Sovereign and was killed by thunderous means.

"The Xuan family is finished."

At this time, a top power sect leader shook his head and sighed after hearing the news.

This news quickly swept through the three states of Nanling and Beimo.

After countless forces heard the news.

They all sighed.

This huge dynasty that once stood tall in the Nine Nether Realm and dominated Nanling finally came to an end.

Now only the newly rising Han Dynasty is left.

"Do you know who killed the ancestor of the Xuan family?"

On a certain peak in Nanling.

The head of the Xuan family shouted solemnly.

"Not sure yet."

“But I heard the Xuan family’s guards said.

"The man's name seems to be Xiao Yifeng, and he is the master of the Heavenly Demon, the head of the seventy-two demon kings under the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky."

"The opponent possesses a Rank Eight divine beast, the Sky-Eating Tiger."

"The ancestors of the Xuan family are now being hunted."

"I don't know where the ancestors of the Xuan family have gone now."

"act recklessly!!!"

The group of strong men responsible for investigating the news said coldly.

And they are the top experts of the major hidden sects in Nanling.

Upon hearing the news, the head of the Xuan family's face condensed, and his eyes were filled with a strong cold light.

Swish swish!!!

Then he took out a token and crushed it directly.

The two Great Emperor ancestors of the Xuan family also woke up from seclusion.

"What's so urgent about calling me to wait?"

Xuan Ming, the eldest elder of the Xuan family, said with an ugly expression.

"Look at this!!!"

The head of the Xuan family said coldly.

"The ancestor of the Xuan family fell?"

"Who did it?"

At this time, another Great Emperor ancestor of the Xuan family looked at the inheritance token of the Profound Sovereign Palace.

His expression changed continuously.

"This person should be the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky."

The head of the Xuan family said.

"How can it be?"

"Didn't the Great Emperor of Starry Sky die in the tomb of Profound Sovereign?"

"How is it possible that you are still alive?"

Another Great Emperor ancestor said puzzledly.

"I can't understand this matter at all, but since the ancestor of the Xuan family is dead, no one can activate the Profound Sovereign seal."

"At that time, we can take the opportunity to seize the Profound Sovereign Palace and control the entire Profound Sovereign Palace."

The head of the Xuan family said coldly.

"This is a good 523 method."

"But if Profound Sovereign is still alive, I'm afraid this Xuan Zi Seal will be in danger.

The eldest elder of the Xuan family said solemnly.

"Hmph, so what if Profound Sovereign is alive?"

"If we join forces with other hidden sects and the ancient country to take action, how big of a stir can he make?"

"Besides, I have already contacted other lords of ancient countries and the Great Emperor of the sect. I believe they will all agree to help us."

The head of the Xuan family shouted in a deep voice.

"This time the Xuan family must be destroyed and eradicated completely!!!"

The eldest elder of the Xuan family shouted firmly.

At the same time, the major Ancient Clan and some hidden families in the Northern Desert also received the news.

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