813 tomb

"Master, thank you for saving my grandson."

"I wonder what you call me?"

At this moment, Profound Sovereign looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with solemn gratitude.

"My surname is Xiao, and my last name is named Feng."

"Your Majesty Profound Sovereign, I came here this time to ask about the tomb.

Xiao Yifeng spat.

"It turns out to be Mr. Feng."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know the details of the tomb.

"Because no one has ever entered that tomb."

"Even people in the entire Beizhou don't know it exists."

Profound Sovereign said in a deep voice.


Xiao Yifeng's expression was slightly condensed.

"It is said that in the ancient era, a Transcendent Level tomb appeared in Beizhou."

"This tomb gave birth to an extremely terrifying treasure."

"Later, it caused a struggle among various forces in the entire wilderness, but the result was extremely tragic."

"All the top sects, the Ancient Clan, and the world's most powerful people all died in this tomb."

"The Emperor's Palace, including one of the four Great Emperor clans in my Celestial Wonders Realm, was also completely destroyed."

"In the end, the treasure fell into the hands of a certain Transcendent Level powerhouse who surpassed the Great Emperor."

"Since then, there has been no news of that tomb in Asia."

Profound Sovereign said while looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Is it so cruel?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, his expression looking very solemn.

"I suspect that this tomb was left by the powerful man who surpassed the Great Emperor, and there must be a shocking secret hidden in it.

Profound Sovereign guessed.

"Secrets or not."

"I'm planning to go investigate."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

"This tomb is the most forbidden place in Beizhou. Are you sure you want to go in?"

“Once you step into it, you can’t get out again.

"Even if the Great Emperor enters it, it will be difficult to escape safely."

"Not to mention you?"

Profound Sovereign looked at Xiao Yifeng.

“How will you know if you don’t try.”

"If I really die in it."

"I can only blame fate for not being strong enough!!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

There was a bit of determination in his eyes.

Then Xiao Yifeng followed Xuan Hao and others and continued towards Beizhou.

Night fell in a blink of an eye.

Outside the Heavenly Demon Mountains.

At this time, a large number of strong men gathered.

The leader was none other than Xiao Yuan, the elder of the Xiao Chamber of Commerce.

Behind him were a group of powerful men from the Xiao Chamber of Commerce.

"Father, did I say that every family has achieved the Heavenly Emperor blessing?"

At this moment, Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Yuan respectfully and said.

"Well, he is now Rank Eight Great Emperor."

"As the elder brother, I have to learn from him.

"Otherwise, our Xiao Chamber of Commerce will have to rely on him for support in the future!!!"

Xiao Yuan sighed softly and said with emotion in his eyes.

"This time I summoned the powerful men and powerful men from all the major families to join forces to capture the Xuan family.

"Now that the Xuan family's strength is declining, it's time to use them to establish their power!!!"

"However, our Xuan family now has a Nine Tribulations Great Emperor (from Zhao), which is a bit troublesome.

Xiao Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Father, since the Xuan family has become the enemy of my family."

"Then naturally we must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise once the other party recovers, it may bring great disaster to our Xiao family.

Xiao Yuan said in a deep voice.

"You are right, since the Xuan family is already an enemy of our Xiao family."

"Then we must seize the opportunity to eradicate the problem. We must not let them recover again."

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