825 Ancestors of the Xuan family

"This map of falling stars was obviously given by my ancestors of the Xuan family."

"But he left the star map in the hands of a good-for-nothing like you. It must be said that he was stupid."

Xuan Ming looked at Xing Yun and said proudly.


Xingyun didn't say anything. He punched out and hit Xuan Ming directly.

It was blown away on the spot.


Xuan Ming fell to the ground, spitting blood from his mouth.

His eyes were wide open, with a look of unwillingness in them.

His expression looked ferocious and twisted.

Obviously, he did not expect that his eight-star Great Emperor Realm powerhouse would be injured by a seven-star Great Emperor from the Starfall Sect.

This was a great shame for him.


In an instant, Xuan Ming directly activated his domain to attack Xingyun.

The monstrous fields of ice and flames swept out.

It instantly enveloped Xingyun and wanted to kill it.

"Xuan Ming, how dare you!!!"

Immediately Galaxy's expression changed.

he roared.

He was about to take action as soon as his body moved, but he was still a step too slow.


In an instant, these two realms collided together, erupting with a deafening sound.

The terrifying energy ripples spread.

Xingyun and the rest of the Xingyun Sect were all knocked back.

As for Xingyun, his body immediately burst into flames and was burned out repeatedly.

"Xingyun, just accept your fate."

"No one can save you!!!"

Xuanming stared at Xingyun with a cold expression and shouted.

At this time, the flames around Xingyun had reached the Fifth Grade Great Emperor's fire.

This Fifth Grade Great Emperor's fire is enough to burn an ordinary Fifth Grade Great Emperor to ashes.

If it were an ordinary Seventh Grade Great Emperor, it would be difficult to withstand the burning of the Fifth Grade Great Emperor's fire.

But Xingyun is different.

He has a special physique and possesses the fire of the stars.

Although he did not step into the realm of the Great Emperor, he controlled the fire of the stars.

And he is the ancestor of the Star Sect, and he has been baptized by the power of the stars, and his physique is even more terrifying.

Even the power of a star can't do anything to him.

"You want to destroy me just because of this?"

"You underestimate me, Xingyun!!!"

Xingyun said word for word.

The star fire in his body completely exploded.

The temperature of the entire space skyrocketed, and the terrifying star fire shrouded the stars.


Suddenly, everyone around him felt unbearably hot.

These Xingchen Sect disciples quickly used their skills to resist.

Sweat dripped from their foreheads, and their eyebrows were wet with beads of sweat.

And in a certain room at the highest level of the Starfall Sect.

A man in white robe is sitting cross-legged here.


There is a sword placed on his legs. This person is Xinghai, the ancestor of the Starfall Sect.

At this time, Xinghai's eyes were slightly closed, and he was making various mysterious and complex seals with his hands.

"Bring the map of the falling stars."

Xuan Ming looked at Xingyun indifferently and said.

"If you really want to get the Starfall Map, then defeat me yourself.

"Otherwise you would never get the map of the falling stars!!!"

Xingyun looked solemn and shouted firmly.

"court death!!!"

Xuan Ming shouted coldly.

The terrifying power of the emperor's veins erupted from his body again, blasting towards Xingyun.


Starfall activates the star power throughout the body.

He exploded all the power of the remaining star stones in his body.

At the same time, he used the secret technique of meteorite to activate the meteorite river. .

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