835 Blood Moon Sect Disciples

The monstrous energy swept across like a river bursting its banks.

The surrounding Blood Moon Sect disciples were thrown away by the aftermath of this energy, and fell to the ground one by one.


On the spot, the man in blood robe spurted out a mouthful of blood and half-knelt on the ground.

He looked pale, his body was trembling, and there was blood at the corners of his mouth.


At this time, Young Master Xueyue quickly came to his side, supported him and shouted.

At this moment, Young Master Xueyue looked at his father with a worried expression.

"Father, how are you?"

Young Master Xueyue looked at his father and said quickly.

Wow!! 250!

Then the man in blood robe stood up.

He took out a pill and took it to recover the injuries in his body.

"Boy, you must die today."

"Do you know what the Blood Demon Race power in me represents?"

"If you dare to touch me, Demon Race of Blood will definitely destroy your Starry Sky Myriad Worlds!!!"

The blood-robed man stared at Xiao Yifeng with cold eyes.

His pupils were red, and he shouted with a sinister aura all over his body.

"What does the Blood Demon Race mean? In my eyes, you are just like an ant. You are not qualified to threaten me."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the blood-robed man with disdain.

"What a boy, so arrogant!!!"

Suddenly, a cold shout came out.


As this voice fell.

A mountain peak in the distance collapsed and shattered.

An old man wearing pitch black armor soared into the sky.

It exudes extremely terrifying demonic power.

The Demon Race boss arrived and stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor with all his strength.

His strength has reached the peak of the Eighth Grade Emperor, and is only one step away from the Ninth Grade Emperor.

Apparently he also has Demon Race blood in his body.

However, the Demon Race blood in this old man is not strong.

As soon as he appeared, he released a terrifying evil spirit.

He looked like a real devil coming to the world.

His eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty, and his whole body exuded terrifying murderous intent. (ahbf)

Just like Demon Race Shura, people dare not approach.

"Demon Race?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the Demon Race Great Emperor and frowned.

"Who are you?"

Then Xiao Yifeng looked at the old man and said coldly.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that you are about to die at my hands."

"I will refine you into a demon puppet and fight for me forever and ever!!!"

The Demon Race Great Emperor said with a ferocious expression.

He rushed directly towards Xiao Yifeng, bursting out with overwhelming killing power.

A demonic power filled the air.

The old man burst out with all his strength.

A terrifying demonic pressure was released from his body, suppressing Xiao Yifeng.


The old man tore the sky apart with his claws and grabbed Xiao Yifeng.

The terrifying demonic power gathered on his claw, as if it could destroy the sky.

Xiao Yifeng directly activated the Soul Devouring Art, and his soul power surged again.

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng's soul-devouring art level reached the perfect stage.

In a flash, endless soul attacks blasted out towards the old man in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Bang bang bang!!!

On the spot, the old man's Demon Dao technique collided with these soul attacks.

There was a thunderous sound.

Although this old man has the blessing of the Great Emperor.

But he still couldn't resist these soul attacks.

His demonic power was completely swallowed up. .

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