841 sword body

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.


"The two of them are brothers and sisters from the same mother.

"It is said that this Jian Yun has a special physique since he was a child and has a sword body."

"His ability to kill enemies with one sword is terrifying. Even my father is no match for him."

"Even if the two brothers and sisters join forces, it would be very difficult for my father to defeat them.

"That's why this Jianyun became the first place in the Eastern Wilderness Competition and was cultivated by the Sword Sect."

Chu Yutong said clearly.

"I see."

Xiao Yifeng said softly.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, who is this girl~?"

At this time, Li Shiqing looked at Xiao Yifeng with a curious expression.

And Xiao Yifeng could tell at a glance that the other party was a female Martial God.

Although she hides it deeply.

But he still couldn't escape Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

"Shiqing, this is my wife, Mengyue."

Xiao Yifeng introduced.

"Hello, nice to meet you!!!"

At this time, Meng Yue looked at Li Shiqing and smiled politely.

"You two are indeed talented and beautiful!!!"

Li Shiqing smiled slightly.

"This is my fiancée, Lin Qingya."

At this time, Xiao Yifeng continued to introduce.

"Hello, Mrs. Sister-in-law, your name is very beautiful and suits you very well!!!"

Meng Yue spoke.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Shiqing smiled lightly.

"Since you're here, let's give it a try. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"If I can get the title of the first genius of the Eastern Wilderness."

"Then it will be known as the Eastern Wilderness, and in the future, no one will know it in the entire Starry Sky Continent.

Li Shiqing looked at Xiao Yifeng and smiled.

"Okay, then I will play with you.

Xiao Yifeng said softly, and then he took Mengyue and Li Shiqing to the life and death arena.

A large number of spectators have gathered here.

And these people came here to wait for the magic battle between the Sword Star and Profound Heaven to begin.

"Look, Sword Star is coming!!!"

"Sword Star is here, today's competition will be extremely fierce!!!"

Soon the sword star appeared, which immediately caused a lot of discussion among the talented disciples from all around.

There was a heavy look of expectation in their eyes.


Soon several figures descended on the arena.

0......Please give me flowers......

They are all students of Profound Heaven Academy.

The leader among them is a vice president of Profound Heaven College and three mentors.

Obviously Profound Heaven Academy takes this game very seriously.

In addition to Profound Heaven Academy, there are also strong men from other major sect families.

Including some of the older generation of strong men and top geniuses in Profound Heaven Academy appeared.

Moreover, a group of new disciples came here to watch the fun.


The most eye-catching one among them is naturally the number one genius of Profound Heaven Academy——Profound Heaven!!!

"I didn't expect that Profound Heaven would show up today!!!"

At this moment in this restaurant, Chu Feng and the others looked at the sword star on the ring.

His eyes flickered.

"I heard that Jian Yun and Jian Xing are brothers and sisters.

"These two brothers and sisters are extremely talented in swordsmanship, Spirit Ascension.

"The other one is extremely talented and has amazing swordsmanship.

“This competition for the first talent in Eastern Wilderness will definitely be exciting!!!”

At this time, a genius from Lingshan said.

"You are wrong. I feel that this Jian Yun is better."

"You see, this Profound Heaven was suppressed without using any moves at all, and he was completely in a state of being abused.

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