849 abolished

His body was lifted up by Xiao Yifeng's neck.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The man in black was pinched by Xiao Yifeng's neck and looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"What do you think I want to do?"

"I just heard that you want to steal my girlfriend and destroy my cultivation. What do you think I want to do?"

"Today, I will send you off to the west.

"So as not to harm others in the future."

Xiao Yifeng shouted coldly.

His eyes stared at each other coldly.


Xiao Yifeng exerted force with one hand.

The inner disciple of the Mysterious Heaven Sect had his neck broken by him.

Then Xiao Yifeng threw the body aside and took Ye Ziyan to sit here and continue chatting.

At this moment, everyone present looked shocked.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng with disbelief in his eyes.

Obviously they didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant.

Dare to directly kill the son of the deputy master of the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

This is too courageous!!!

Swish swish!!!

In an instant, the figure rushed into the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

These people exude a terrifying aura, and they are all Saint-level Transcendent Level experts.

They all stared at the body of the deputy sect leader.

"Xuan Ming, how dare you kill the deputy sect leader~~?"

This group of people all stared at Xuan Ming.

"Hmph, who asked him to insult my mother?"

Xuan Ming shouted coldly.

"Presumptuous, your mother has already been expelled from the Mysterious Heaven Sect."

"She doesn't deserve to be called a disciple of Mysterious Heaven Sect, and you don't deserve to be called a disciple of Mysterious Heaven Sect."

"Get the hell out of Mysterious Heaven Sect this instant."

Immediately one of these people, the elder of the Mysterious Heaven Sect in the early days of Saint Realm, shouted angrily.

"Get out? How dare you say that!!!"

Xuan Ming's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Good boy, it seems you are really tired of living."

Immediately, another elder shouted with a cold face, his whole body filled with an aura of terror.

He is the Great Elder of Mysterious Heaven Sect, one of the three Saints in Mysterious Heaven Sect.






Suddenly, bursts of thunder were heard over the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

Balls of flames fell from the sky.

Rifts of dazzling golden light shone down, covering the Profound Heaven Academy.

In an instant, an invisible oppression suppressed the people present.

Including those Saint Realm experts, they all felt a sense of palpitations inexplicably.

"Xuan Ming, kneel down!!!"

A cold shout echoed throughout Profound Heaven Academy.

Suddenly, everyone trembled, and all their eyes glanced at the fireball and the bright and dazzling golden light in the void.

"Meet the sect master!!!"

At this time, loud shouts sounded.

I saw the great elder of the Mysterious Heaven Sect, the deputy sect master, and all the hall masters kneeling in front of the ball of fire and bowing and shouting.

As for the others, they all knelt on the ground.

The leader of the Mysterious Heaven Sect is wearing a long (Wang Haohao) shirt.

His eyes are as deep and vast as stars, exuding a mysterious luster.

He released endless power, making it difficult to breathe.

A surge of imperial majesty looming over the sky swept out.

"See the Sect Master!!!"

The hundreds of people present all bowed and shouted to the sect leader of the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

As for the man in black, he was stunned.

He slumped to the ground.

At this time, the master of Mysterious Heaven Sect waved his hand, and the restrictions in this area disappeared. .

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