873 Star Sea

At this time, Xiao Huanghuang introduced Xingchen Hai.

"A treasure that surpasses the Supreme Great Emperor?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed and he thought to himself.

"Xiao Huanghuang, you said that there is a treasure in this sea of ​​stars that surpasses the Supreme Great Emperor."

"Is this news reliable?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Huanghuang and asked.

"It should be true, I heard about it accidentally."

"And according to rumors, this "813" treasure that surpasses the Supreme Great Emperor is a weapon left by a strong person at the Transcendent Level.

Xiao Huanghuang said in a deep voice.

"The treasure left by the Transcendent Level expert must have been very terrifying."

"No wonder not even the Ancient Star Road can trap him. It seems that he should be an existence that surpasses the Supreme Great Emperor.

Xiao Yifeng said with emotion.

"That's right."

"This weapon left by the Transcendent Level master is enough to shock the entire starry sky!!!"

Xiao Huanghuang said.

"Then I want to see what treasure this Transcendent Level expert left behind!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly, his eyes sparkling.

At the same time, the void twisted.

Two figures arrived.

It was the crown prince of the Tianhe Empire and his father, the crown prince.

Now these two people are here.

"Your Highness, you are finally back!!!"

"Where have you been these days?"

Seeing the return of the Tianhe Empire's crown prince, the elder of the Profound Heaven Palace said directly.

Swish swish!!!

At this time, another group of people appeared. They were all people from Profound Heaven Palace.

"See the Palace Master."

Suddenly, the group of Profound Heaven Palace disciples bowed and shouted.

The leader of this group of people is the Palace Master of Profound Heaven Palace, the emperor of the Profound Heaven Empire, a true Supreme Great Emperor.

“You don’t need to be polite!!!”

The Profound Heaven Emperor waved his hand and glanced at the group of elders from the Profound Heaven Palace.

"Father, you are finally ready to leave."

At this moment, the prince looked at his father and said with a coquettish look.

"Humph, if it weren't for waiting for you."

"I set off a long time ago, how could it be delayed until now. Right?

"What have you been doing these days?"

The Emperor of Profound Heaven looked at his son and shouted directly.


"I went out to play during this time."

At this time, the prince was about to speak.

As a result, the Crown Princess jumped ahead and said...

She looked at the Profound Heaven Emperor and said, "Your Majesty, something big happened in Tianhe City this time."

"Oh, what's the big deal?"

The Emperor of Profound Heaven said.

"Someone actually defiled the princess of Xuanyue Empire!!!"

The princess said coldly.

"What? Someone has defiled Princess Xuanyue Empire?"

Upon hearing this news, the Profound Heaven Emperor frowned.

"This is true, I have investigated it clearly."

The prince said.

"You dare to tarnish the princess of Xuanyue Empire. You are simply seeking death."

The Emperor of Profound Heaven shouted angrily.

"Father, now the Xuanyue Empire has sent troops to attack our Profound Heaven Palace."

"If we don't pay compensation, I'm afraid our Profound Heaven Palace will be doomed."

The prince said solemnly 4.2.

"The Xuanyue Empire actually wants to take advantage of the situation and bully my Profound Heaven Palace.

"It seems that they don't take my Profound Heaven Palace seriously."

"Send the order and summon all Profound Heaven Palace members immediately."

"I will personally lead the army to destroy this Xuanyue Empire."

The emperor of Profound Heaven's eyes shot out with sharp and cold murderous intent, and he shouted coldly.


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