877 war begins


"Mysterious Heaven Sect naturally does not dare to start a war with your Profound Heaven Palace."

"But this is the order of the Emperor of Profound Heaven. Do you dare to disobey it?"

The old man said with a cold face.

"What order?"

"Are you trying to rebel?"

"Don't forget, the Emperor of Profound Heaven has been missing for hundreds of years."

"You actually openly want to seize power?"

Xuan Wuya looked at the old man and shouted, his eyes bursting with terrifying murderous intent.

At this time, Li Yuan, the generals of the Profound Heaven Palace army, and the old man looked at each other.

They collided with each other releasing a terrifying aura.

The void twisted and collapsed, forming a huge black hole vortex.


Suddenly, bursts of thunder came from the sky.

A bunch of dark clouds appeared here.

The terrifying aura of destruction swept across the world.

"what happened?"

At this time, the Martial Artist in Xuanyue City looked at this scene in the void,

All of them had doubtful looks in their eyes.


Immediately, Xuan Wuya's expression changed, and his expression looked very ugly.


The next second, a bright and dazzling thunder and lightning descended from the black cloud.

It hit the old man instantly.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell directly to the ground.

Its vitality was completely cut off.

With this blow, he fell directly.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Li Yuan and others changed.

At this time, the faces of everyone in the Xuanxing Empire and the Xuanyue Empire darkened, and there was fear in their eyes.

"Go quickly!!!"

Li Primordial Spirit said solemnly.

They are getting ready to leave here.

Boom boom boom——

As a result, there were bursts of thunder in the sky again.

Two terrible thunder and lightning fell from the void again.

They all blasted towards Li Yuan and others.

They all resisted.

Although these thunder and lightning do not reach the strength of the Eighth Grade Great Emperor or the Ninth Grade Great Emperor.

But it is still very terrifying, enough to easily kill an ordinary Seventh Grade Great Emperor.

Li Yuan, Wu Hai and others were all injured.

"damn it!!!"

"Mysterious Heaven Sect, we remember you!!!"

Li Yuan stared at the old man in the void with a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and shouted word by word.

The group of them fled in confusion and disappeared here.

0......Please give me flowers......

At the same time, among the royal family of Xuanyue Empire.

King Xuan Yue looked at the two terrifying thunder and lightning falling from the sky.

His face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of worry and uneasiness.

Then he took out a jade pendant and crushed it.

This jade pendant was left to him by his father. It can contact the people in Profound Heaven Palace at critical times.

This jade pendant is the last one left.


This jade pendant is more than just a token of contact with the Profound Heaven Palace.

It is also a King Weapon, possessing supreme power.

Unless he encounters extreme danger, he won't poop.

After all, this jade pendant is priceless, and if he uses it, he will suffer a big loss.

But now in order to ensure the comfort of Xuanyue Empire, he doesn't care so much anymore.


Soon the entire void was covered by the Thunder Tribulation triggered by the jade pendant.

Martial Artists within a thousand miles radius were alarmed.

They came one after another and stood watching from a distance.

I don’t know what happened to trigger such a terrible disaster.


At this time, a man and a woman walked out of the palace.

It is the second prince of the Xuanyue Empire and the sword of the princess of the Xuanyue Empire. .

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