879 tracking

At this time, the entire Northern Wasteland was boiling.

Countless forces sent experts to the Xuanyue Empire to investigate the situation.

But Xiao Yifeng and others were still on their way.

They didn't realize that someone was already following them.

In a blink of an eye, night falls.

Under the cover of night.

The lights in the Profound Heaven palace were lit, making the place look like day.

A group of soldiers wearing armor and exuding an iron-blooded aura appeared here.

The leader was a man wearing silver-white armor.

This 07 man is tall and strong, with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, long hair shawl, and exudes invisible domineering energy.

There was a determined look in his eyes, as if he could conquer anything in the world.

"Who are you?"

A group of generals and guards from the Xuanyue Empire looked at this group of people wearing armor.

They looked at each other solemnly.

"Kill your people!!!"

This group of people shouted directly, releasing a terrifying killing energy from their bodies.

This group of armored men rushed directly towards the people of Xuanyue Empire.

"Kill me!!!"

The powerful men of the Great Emperor Realm of the Xuanyue Empire shouted one after another.

They burst out with unparalleled power of the Great Emperor.

These Great Emperors directly displayed the terrifying Great Emperor Law Manifestation and attacked the group of armored men.

For a time, the two sides fought fiercely.

Terrifying energy was raging all around.

Waves of roars and explosions spread throughout Xuanyue City.

All the people of the Xuanyue Empire hid in their houses.

Bang bang bang…

The two sides fought fiercely together.

In this battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

It lasted for several hours.

With this burst of explosions sounded.

All these armored men were killed.

But the Xuanyue Empire suffered heavy losses.

All the strong men at the Great Emperor level fell, and several strong men at the Emperor Monarch level and the Emperor Sect level were injured and failed to escape from here.

Under this battle.

The Xuanyue Empire's strength has dropped sharply, and its overall strength has hit rock bottom.

At this moment, the Emperor Monarch of the Xuanyue Empire looked at this scene with a gloomy expression.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and a bloodthirsty and cruel killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Xuan Qing'er, you destroyed my arm and took away my throne."

"Today I will make you pay with blood!!!"

Emperor Monarch Xuan Qing'er of the Xuanyue Empire shouted with a ferocious and twisted expression.

He burst out with overwhelming anger and rushed directly towards the Profound Heaven Palace.

Although Xuan Qing'er is a powerful Great Emperor, she has just become a Great Emperor.

There is no way they can compete with these Great Emperors from the Profound Heaven Empire.

"Xuanyue Slash!!!"

Immediately, the Great Emperor activated the secret technique.

He displayed his strongest martial arts secrets, displayed terrifying martial arts, and attacked towards the Profound Heaven Palace.

Suddenly the entire world where Profound Heaven Palace is located trembled violently.

A bright and dazzling sword light tore through the void in Void 813.

It slashed out with terrifying power.

It instantly fell towards the Profound Heaven Palace to destroy it.

At this time, the gatekeeper disciple of Profound Heaven Palace saw this scene.

They want to remind the Profound Heaven Great Emperor in the Profound Heaven Palace.

As a result, a bolt of thunder suddenly came.

In an instant, these people were chopped into a pile of powder.

As for the so-called Profound Heaven Great Emperor mentioned by the disciples guarding the Profound Heaven Palace, he has long since disappeared.

And in a secret room deep in the Profound Heaven Palace.

A white mist enveloped the Profound Heaven Great Emperor.

His eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body exuded the supreme power of an emperor, like a peerless king. .

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